We are walking right into our doom...

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"We must empty the city. We will seek shelter in Helm's Deep!"

The King's words made Nymerial's head snap up. She couldn't believe what she was hearing, the people of Rohan shouldn't flee, they should stand up and fight. In Helm's Deep they wouldn't be nothing more than a rat cornered by a cat. She heard the King leave, probably to tell one of the guards to inform the people. She wanted to argue back but could not open her mouth. 

Instead, Nymerial walked out of the Hall, her pace quickened by anger, and stopped at the top of the stairs. She looked down at the town of Edoras and heard a man yelling

"By order of the King, the city must empty. We make for the refuge of Helm's Deep. Do not burden yourself with treasures. Take only what provisions you need."

Nymerial turned around and was ready to punch the closest thing to her, the wall of the Golden Hall, but was stopped by a slight movement. From the corner of her eye, she saw someone around the corner. She slowed her breathing as she pushed herself against the stone wall, waiting for the stranger to look again.

As Nymerial thought, a face appeared behind the corner. Turned out, it was the small girl who was on the horse with her brother. Nymerial started to walk towards the kid while saying

"You know, you should not spy on people. Especially at times like these."

The girl came out and looked ashamed. Her long wavy light brown hair covered her face when she spoke

"I am sorry. It is just that my brother is sleeping and there are guards running everywhere in the Hall. I do not want to be in the way."

Nymerial kneeled to the child's level and lifted her face. She looked into her eyes and said

"Do not worry about it. If you want, you can stay with me for the time being. But I do need to know your name."

"My name is Freda, my brother is Éothain."

"Well, Freda, I am going to the stables right now. I would like you to go to that tavern over there and ask a carrot from the man behind the counter. His name is Delsin, tell him that Nymerial wants it. Then come to the stables."

"Got it!"

yelled Freda as she was running towards the stairs. Nymerial followed her footsteps down the stairs. She then turned left and walked quietyl towards the sound of horses. She saw Gandalf, Legolas, Gimli and Aragorn walking into the stable where Shadowfax and Amani were kept. She ran after them and nodded her head as a welcome. Gimli then said

"Helm's Deep! They flee to the mountains when they should stand and fight. Who will defend them if not their King?"

Aragorn argued back

"He is only doing what he thinks is best for his people. Helm's Deep has saved them in the past."

But Nymerial agreed with Gimli

"The Dwarf is right, there is not a way out from Helm's Deep!"

But Gandalf ended the soon to begin arguement 

"There is no way out than that of ravine. Théoden is walking into a trap. He thinks he is leading them to safety, but what he will get is a massacre. Théoden has a strong hold but I fear for him. I fear for the survival of Rohan. He will need you before the end, Aragorn. As well as he will need Nymerial and the others. The people of Rohan will need you. The defenses have to hold."

Aragorn said with a solid voice

"They will hold."

The wizard turned to his horse, Shadowfax. He patted his companion while wondering out loud

"The Grey Pilgrim. That is what they used to call me. Three hundred live of men I have walked this earth and now, I have no time."

He got onto Shadowfax and looked down at his friends. He said

"Good luck. My search will not be in vain. Look to my coming, at first light, on the fifth day. At dawn, look to the East."


whispered Nymerial and Aragorn at the same time. The white horse rushed out and galloped across the plains, Legolas, Gimli and Argorn left also and Nymerial went to Amani. She got a brush and started to clean his midnight black coat. It had dirt and dust on it from the journey. Nymerial heard tiny footsteps behind her and and turned around. She was facing Freda who had a carrot in her hand. Nymerial thanked her and took the carrot. The small girl was watching Nymerial's every and single move as she gave the vegetable to Amani. Nymerial said to the curious Freda

"Amani, my horse, is nuts for carrots. You can ride on him on the way to Helm's Deep if you want. I am sure he will not mind."

Freda's face lit up like a star on a cold night. She nodded her head quickly as she jumped around from happiness. Nymerial smiled at the sight, she reminded her the pups back home. Nymerial heard a laugh from the door so she looked up. There stood Delsin, now completely dry and without the wine stains. Nymerial waved and then turned to Freda

"You should get back to the Golden Hall before people start worrying."

Freda stopped jumping and nodded, she then ran outside. Delsin still stood next to the door ans was now motioning Nymerial to come there. Nymerial put away the brush and said goodbye to Amani. The two of them  walked out and towards the small hill in front of them.

They climbed it in silence, only the wind was whispering in the air. When they reached the top, Nymerial sat down and looked into the distance. There stood high mountains and green plains. Only there weren't comforting, instead they were clouded with shadows. Nymerial sighed and laid onto her back. She closed her eyes when she felt Delsin sitting next to her. After some time, Delsin spoke

"Hey, Nymerial!"


"Promise me one thing..."


"Promise me that you will not be fighting if a battle comes."

Nymerial shot up and looked at Delsin with shock. She looked him dead into his grey eyes and said

"I cannot do that. I have to fight!"

Delsin stood up, Nymerial following his lead. The man asked, raising his voice


"Because all I have left is my fr..."

Nymerial couldn't finish her words. Instead she lowered his voice and whispered

"You would not understand."

But the volume in Delsin's voice rose

"Then make me! Make me understand!"

He waited for a response but nothing came. Nymerial instead sat back down and looked at the mountains. She heard Delsin yell in frustration and then he left. After a couple of minutes she felt a hand on her shoulder. Nymerial looked up and saw Legolas. His eyes were filled with worry as he sat down. The Elf kept his hand on Nymerial's shoulder and she leaned against him. She said in a quiet voice

"You know, we are walking right into our doom. Even if we fight, with those numbers, we will not come out alive."

Legolas spoke

"I know, but hope always remains. We can come out alive."

"You say 'we'. I thought that you would try to convince me not to fight."

"I would like to but I already know that you will not listen to me, nor anybody."

Nymerial chuckled slightly and looked in the distance where the sun was setting 'Legolas is right. Hope always remains...' 

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