Funeral of Théodred...

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Gandalf looked at Théoden and he understood. His son was dead. Éowyn went to the King, supported him and led him back to the Golden Hall. The others followed them, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli grabbing their weapons while reaching the door. But Nymerial stopped near the table where she had put her blades and other weapons. She first looked at her sword, it was in its right place. She picked it up and examined it and, finding nothing changed, put it in its holder. She then took off her bag from her shoulders and put her lock-picking kit and slingshot in it. Nymerial put down the bag and looked closely at her small knives on the table, looking if they had been moved. But luckily they hadn't and she put them into her arm straps. The same continued with the darts except they went into the secret compartment. 

Nymerial looked over to the last things on the table, her most valuable things, her daggers. But what she saw, made her blood boil. One of her blades had been moved about three inches to the right. She lifted her head and shot a death glare at the guards. If she would have seen what the men saw, she would have the same scared face. Her eyes had changed. They were like a dragon's, her pupil was a thin vertical tripe and instead of her minty green colour now lay acid green. (please try to imagine the picture of the eye as Nymerial's eyes)

She stepped in front of one of the guards and lifted him up against the wall with ease. She growled in a low voice

"What did I say to you?!"

The guard was shocked by Nymerial's voice, the most similar thing to it he could think of was a dragon's snarl. She really was the Dragonborn. The other guard, who didn't dare to move, spoke up, trying to save his friend

"But...but w-we didn't touch anything. The-there was a small child who picked it up. He-he then ran off, o-one of the guards is trying to catch him."

Nymerial's head snapped to her right as a man was dragging a small boy with him. She let go of the guard and her eyes went back to normal as she walked towards the boy. She kneeled down to his level and asked in her normal voice

"Did you touch those daggers on that table there?"

The kid didn't do anything, only looked at the ground. The man next to him nudged him and the boy nodded, still looking at his toes. Nymerial smiled at him and said

"Well, you should not take things that do not belong to you, okay?"

The boy looked up and his blueish grey eyes were saying 'I am sorry'. Nymerial smiled again and patted him on the shoulder

"It is okay, you can go and play."

As the kid ran away and she stood up, she could hear two 'WHAT?!'s behind her. Nymerial ignored the guards and turned to the man who had brought the boy. He had golden brown hair and the same blueish grey eyes. He was rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly and said

"I am really sorry about that. That kid is my little brother and I should have not let him up here."

"Oh, it is nothing. He is just a kid. I am Nymerial."

"I am Delsin. I was ju..."

His words were cut off by bells, they were declaring the death of the King's son, Théodred. Delsin looked at the sky sadly and waved at Nymerial while leaving. She waved back and went back to the table. She picked up her daggers and put them into her boots, into the holders inside them. She said to the guards


And ran off. She ran towards the last resting place that Théodred would have. She ran all the way to the gates and out of them. She saw almost all of the people were there and more were coming. She went away from the crowd and onto a hill. As she turned towards Edoras, She saw Rohirrims carrying Théodred, he was laid on a bier made from shields and spears. When they passed Théoden and Éowyn, the woman started to sing

(this is a deleted scene so if you're interested in seeing this scene in lotr, play vid if you wish)

"Bealocwealm hafad fréone frecan forth onsended

giedd sculon singan gléomenn sorgiende

on Meduselde poet he ma no woere,

poet he ma nowere is, purh niedig rest.

And maegen deorost.


(An evil death has set forth the noble warrior

a song shall sing sorrowing minstrels

In Meduseld that he is no more, 

That he is nowhere anymore, for his necessary rest.

Killing took him...)

Silence filled the air as Théodred was put to his final resting place. The people then left, only the King and Gandalf stayed behind. Nymerial picked a small light blue flower and whispered

"Quel esta. (Rest well.)"

With that she let go of the flower and the wind lifted up high in the air, carrying it far away. Nymerial slowly and quietly walked down off from the hill when she heard Gandalf and Théoden talking. The King said

"Alas, that these evil days should be mine. The young perish and the old linger. That I should live to see the last days of my house."

"Théodred's death was not of your making."

"No parent should have to bury their child."

"He was strong in life. His spirit will find its way to the halls of your fathers. Westu hál. Ferdu, Théodred. Ferdu. (Be-thou well. Go-thou, Théodred. Go-thou.)"

The King started to cry and he fell onto his knees in front of the tomb. Nymerial went to them and placed a hand on Théoden's shoulder. She didn't know what he was feeling, so she didn't say anything. For awhile, nobody said anything, but Nymerial turned her head when she heard Gandalf gasp. He was looking at something and she followed his gaze. She saw two children on a horse in the distance. One of them fell and Nymerial removed her hand. She ran towards the kids with great speed. When she reached them, she saw that both of them were unconscious. She lifted the boy back in the saddle and led the horse to Gandalf. 'The powers of Sauron and Saruman have gotten bigger than I thought...' 

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