The Wargs of Isengard...

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The villagers around Nymerial started to panic. She turned to Delsin and shot him a look that said 'You said what?' Delsin didn't quite get it because he looked puzzled. Nymerial then heard the King yell

"All riders to the head of the column!"

She turned to Freda, who was shaking from fear on Amani. Nymerial told her

"Go to Helm's Deep with Amani, I will find you!"

She then whispered to Amani

"Tira ten' rashwe, mellonamin! (Be careful, my friend!)"

Amani's eyes went sad but he started to gallop right away, leaving the battle field behind. Nymerial turned to Delsin, his eyes were filled with fear and she could see him trembling. She asked from him, snapping him back to reality

"Are you going to stay and fight or are you going with the villagers to protect them?"

"I-I am st-staying here."

His voice was unsure but Nymerial didn't think about it much. He did say that he was staying. Nymerial looked back at the distance and saw Legolas shooting arrows, trying to hold back the Wargs. She took her daggers out and looked around, searching for a horse or a rider willing to take her with him to ride into battle. But she couldn't find any. Suddenly someone called her name. She looked up and saw Théoden holding out his hand. Nymerial took it and was lifted onto his horse behind him. The King yelled at his men

"Follow me!"

Nymerial looked behind her and saw some men helping Gimli onto a horse. The Dwarf screamed as he got onto the animal

"Forward, forward, march forward."

Nymerial turned her head back forward and saw Orcs riding on the Wargs of Isengard towards them with weapons raised. Théoden started to ride as well. As they got closer, Nymerial could literally smell the Orcs and Wargs and the stench almost made her vomit. When Gimli's horse got closer to Legolas, he grabbed the reins and sung himself onto the horse with the help of them, Nymerial saw that and yelled at the Elf


She focused her attention back at the battle field. The Wargs were getting closer. Everybody there had their swords, spears, daggers, weapons raised. Not five seconds later, the two sides, the Wargs and the Rohirrim, crashed against each other at full speed. Some Men and Orcs died at the collision because the creatures they were riding on fell. 

As soon as the big collision was over, the real fighting began. Nymerial jumped off from the King's horse, he had better advantage on the ground. The sound of swords cutting through flesh filled the air as a Warg started to charge at her. She then had an idea, an idea that seemed completely idiotic and dumb but could work. She charged towards the Warg and just as they were going to collide, Nymerial changed her path and cut the Warg's legs so it would fall. 

And it worked. The Orc stood up and attacked Nymerial. She blocked the attack with one of her daggers, with the other she sliced the beast's defenceless neck, killing it. The Warg she had injured was wobbling towards her, trying to attack her. She didn't want to kill it, it was just an animal and it wasn't its fault that it was raised that way, but she knew she had to. As the Warg tried  to bite her, she pushed the dagger into its throat, killing it quickly. 

Nymerial looked around fast, tryinf to find Delsin, she didn't know if he could even fight and maybe he needed some help. But he was nowhere to be seen. She saw Legolas fighting, Aragorn as well. She then saw something that might have made her laugh in a different situation: Gimli trapped under a dead Warg and its rider. But still she was worried about her friend, Delsin, so she yelled out his name. There wasn't an answer but she hoped that he was somewhere on the battle field. 

But she didn't consider one thing: when she called Delsin's name, she attracted Orcs. And two came running at her. She focused again on the fighting. Nymerial felt something in her change and whatever it was, it gave her strength and courage to fight harder. She stabbed the Orc, that was closer to her, into its heart, or where it was supposed to be. Pulling the blade out, she jabbed it right in the middle of the other Orc's forehead. Both of the beasts were on the ground dead, their black blood colouring the earth dark. 

Nymerial then felt something she had never felt before: bloodlust. She wanted to kill, to destroy, to burn her enemies. An Orc charged towards her. But before it could realise what was going on, Nymerial had already reached it. She lifted the handle of her dagger and brought it down into the Orc's skull, cracking it open easily like an egg. Blood poured out as its screams filled the air. 

But it wasn't enough for Nymerial, she needed more. And nothing was stopping her, everybody else was busy battling and she doubted that anyone would yell at her for killing the enemies. A Warg and its rider were running towards her. When they got closer, Nymerial jumped onto the creature, behind its original rider. The Orc was surprised but just as it was going to attack Nymerial, she grabbed its head and snapped its neck. When she heard a satisfying snap, she threw the Orc off from the Warg. She moved into the saddle and grabbed the reins. But the animal sensed that its real master was gone, so it tried to bite Nymerial. Before the teeth could reach her arm, she slammed both of her daggers into the Warg's head, killing it. As it fell, Nymerial jumped off, making a flip in the progress.

Landing on the ground, she looked around for another victim. Most of the Orcs and Wargs were already dead. She saw an Orc near her with its back towards her. She rushed towards it and jammed her dagger into the back of its neck. Blood squirted out from the wound and some landed onto Nymerial's face. Her tongue moved on its own towards a splatter of blood near her mouth. It licked it and it tasted foul but there was something more. Pleasure? Maybe... She spat it out and wiped the rest of the dark blood off her face with the back of her hand.

Her eyes scanned the area around her. None of the alive Orcs dared to come closer to her. She didn't understand what was happening, she thought she was the enemy of them. So why weren't they attacking her? 'If you are not coming to me, then I will come to you.' thought Nymerial as she started walking to the nearest Orc. It had a big wound on its arm and it was unarmed. 'Aw, this is going to be fun...'  thought Nymerial before slicing its neck with ease.

She looked around again and saw the last standing Orc. She started to run towards it but before she could reach it, an arrow whistled past her head and into the Orc's chest. Nymerial turned quickly around and saw Legolas lowering his bow. She ran toward him and yelled

"Why did you do that?! I had it!"

But as she looked into his eyes, waiting for an answer, the Elf stepped back with his eyes wide. Nymerial didn't understand and she wasn't a patient person. She asked with a raised voice


Legolas answered, his voice filled with worry

"Your eyes..."

"What about my eyes?!"

"Your eyes, they are red...Blood red..."


asked Nymerial, her voice now quieter. She cleaned one of her daggers from the blood onto her pants and lifted it to her face, looking at the reflection. There they were, her eyes, blood red, and the pupil was a thin stripe. She didn't understand what was happening. She lowered the dagger and dropped both of the blades. She looked up at Legolas and asked in a whisper

"What is happening to me?"

He said, also in a whisper

"I do not know."

Nymerial sat down onto the ground and pulled her knees up to her chest. She also rested her head onto her knees and closed her eyes. No tears came out, she was too confused. She felt hands wrapping around her and a fresh foresty scent filled her nose. Because of that she knew that it was Legolas who was hugging her. She lifted her head and her eyes were met by his grey ones. Legolas smiled and whispered 

"They are back. Your eyes are back."

Nymerial smiled as well and stood up. Legolas' hands were still wrapped around her and she liked it. The Elf didn't notice it, luckily for her. She looked around and saw someone missing. She asked from the rest

 "Where is Aragorn?"

(Pic is what her eyes look like)

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