Here lies Balin...

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The Fellowship went through the right doorway and found themselves in a big open space. They couldn't see much except some fallen columns tumbled across the floor because of the small amount of light. Gandalf lifted his staff and said

"Let me risk a little more light."

The crystal glowed with more power now and Nymerial could see a grand stone hall with huge tall pillars and an arched ceiling. She said to the others

"Behold:the great realm and Dwarf city of Dwarrowdelf."

Everyone looked around in awe. Especiall the Hobbits because they had never been out of their home, the Shire. Sam said what all of the halflings were thinking

"Now, there is an eye-opener and no mistake."

As the Fellowship walked forward, Nymerial took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. It still wasn't certain that she would be free and see the sun again. They could get lost again. Legolas saw that and went back to her. He said gently

"We will get out. I promise you that, do not worry."

Nymerial looked up and smiled slightly. She then went after the others, leaving Legolas behind her. She went next to Pippin. The Hobbit had a cheeky smile on his face. Nymerial asked from him, curious


Pippin answered while his smile grew larger

"Oh, it is nothing. I am just enjoying the view of young love. Wish I would have something like that going on in my life."

Nymerial stopped dead in her track.She was taken back by that response. At first she didn't know what to say but soon ran after Pippin and said to the little Hobbit

"Where would you get an idea like that? It is impossible, I mean I barely know the Elf lad."

"Then go talk to him. Anyway do not try to deny it, it is really obvious that you two like each other. And I think that you and Legolas would make a charming couple. Can I come to your wedding?"

"No, Because there will not be one. Sure he is king and gentle not to mention his looks but I am positive that he has the love of his life waiting him back home somewhere."

Pippin wanted to say something but he didn't know what. The thing he did know was the fact that Nymerial did love Legolas. But Nymerial didn't pay any more attention to it, instead she looked forward and saw a chamber ahead of them. Gimli rushed inside it with Gandalf in his heels trying to stop the mourning Dwarf. But Gimli already made it to the chamber and was kneeling in front of a crypt in the middle of the room. The rest of the Fellowship came in also and looked around. Dead Dwarves and their weapons were scattered everywhere.

Nymerial walked towards Gimli and the crypt. She read what was written on it

"Here lies Balin, Son of Fundin, Lord of Moria."

Gandalf said while Boromir placed his hand on Gimli's shoulder

"He is dead then. It is as I feared."

The wizard handed his hat and his staff to Pippin and went over to one of the fallen guardians. He picked up what seemed to be an old book. He wiped some of the dust and dirt off it and started to read

"They have taken the bridge... and the second hall. We have barred the gates... but cannot hold them for long. The ground shakes. the deep. We cannot get out. A shadow moves in the dark. We cannot get out... They are coming!"

By now the members of the Fellowship were glancing around uncomfortably. Pippin had backed away to the well. He sat next to a skeleton, reached out his hand and twisted the arrow inside it lightly. But the corpse moved a bit because of it and the skull fell down the well. It landed with a booming crash. Gandalf turned around quickly. Pippin faced him, with every inch of his body filled with guilt. But as he did that, the rest of the dead Dwarf fell down as well, dragging a chain and a bucket at the end of it, with him. The little Hobbit winced at every sound the falling made.

Gandalf slammed the book shut and yelled at Pippin angrily

"Fool of a Took! Throw yourself in next time and rid us of your stupidity!"

He then grabbed his things from Pippin, leaving the halfling standing there awkwardly. Nymerial went over to him and kneeled down to his level. She said with a soft voice while looking into the sorry-filled eyes

"It is alright. Just do not do it again and be more careful from now on. Alright, Pip?"

The Hobbit nodded.

But suddenly the sound of drums filled Moria. Gandalf turned, trying to find the direction of the sound. But it was useless because soon after more drums were heard. Sam said


Frodo then pulled out his sword and it glowed with a light blue light. 'Sting! It glows! That means...'


yelled Legolas, finishing Nymerial's thought. Boromir rushed to the door to see how far were their enemies. He got his answer when an arrow hit the door, right next to his head. Aragorn ran to him while yelling to the Hobbits

"Get back! You stay close to Gandalf!"

They managed to close the doors. Gimli, Legolas and Nymerial rushed to the door to help them barricade the door. A loud roar filled the air and Nymerial said, her voice dripping in sarcasm

"They have a cave troll."

The five at the door put all of the dead Dwarves' weapons against the door to close the door more safely. They then back towards Gandalf who had his sword out. They each pulled out their weapons as well: Aragorn and Boromir their swords, Legolas his bow, Gimli his axe and Nymerial her two razor-sharp daggers. They were all ready to fight for their lives. Gimli boomed

"Argh! Let them come! There is one Dwarf yet in Moria who still draws breath!"

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