Let's hunt us some Orc...

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Nymerial stood up and went to the now dead Orc leader. She pulled out her knife from its chest. She also collected one of her daggers next to the leader’s head. As she walked around the battle field, looking for her other dagger and knife, she couldn’t stop thinking about how it was her fault that Merry and Pippin got stolen from them. If she could have fought more faster, she might have reached the Hobbits in time. If she would have risked with her life, the Hobbits would have still been here.

As she crouched down to pick up her other dagger, she fell down. Nymerial then remembered the Orc that had stabbed her in the thigh. She looked at her leg and saw blood coming through her pants. She let out a sharp breath as she touched it carefully to see how bad the damage was. Legolas must had heard it because he looked up from collecting arrows and rushed to Nymerial. He got down and asked with worry

“What happened to you?”

Nymerial replied

“One of those beasts stabbed me in the thigh.”

“Can you stand?”

Nymerial looked at the Elf with an annoyed look. She said with sarcasm

“Yes, I can. I am just enjoying the nature from the ground while holding my bloody leg. Of course I cannot stand!”

Legolas laughed lightly at that response. He then lifted Nymerial up and placed her arm around his shoulder. Nymerial leaned against him as they started to slowly walk towards Gimli and Aragorn. Aragorn looked at his sister and even before he could ask what happened, Nymerial pointed to her thigh. Legolas led her to Gimli and gave her to the Dwarf because he and Aragorn had to carry Boromir’s body.

As they were walking towards the river, Nymerial was thinking. ’How on earth can I keep up with them?’ but then her support said something

“You are lucky you are a Dragonborn.”


Asked Nymerial to Gimli

“I heard that they do not heal for days or weeks. They heal with hours and even minutes. So that little wound you have there should be in good shape soon.”

When they made it to their camp next to the river, Nymerial asked Gimli to lead her to the river. There, she sat on a rock in the water. She then turned a bit and said to the rest

“I would really appreciate it if you lads would turn around from me. You see, I am going to clean my wound and pants.”

Gimli’s and Legolas’ faces went slightly red and they turned around. Aragorn just turned around and they started to prepare Boromir’s death bed. Or death boat. Nymerial took off her pants carefully so she was in her undergarments. The wound had already started to heal. She yelled at Aragorn

“Aragorn! Could you please toss me my bag?”

Soon, her bag was flying through the air and Nymerial caught it. She took out a piece of cloth and put it into the water. She then cleaned the wound from dried blood, to her surprise it was actually pretty deep. Luckily it didn’t bleed anymore. She wrapped the rest of the cloth around her thigh. She used the same wet cloth to clean her pants from the blood. Some of it came out but a red spot still remained.

Nymerial put on her pants gently and looked at the place where the blade had entered. There was a big hole but none of them probably didn’t have any thread or needle. ‘Oh well, I  can survive with it.’ she thought. Nymerial said to the rest

“You can look now. And you can help me up, too.”

Legolas came to her and helped her up. She tried to stand by herself, it worked. She then tried to walk. Her steps were short but stronger than they were in the forest. Nymerial limped to Aragorn who was now placing Boromir into the boat that was instead of a grave. Boromir’s shield was above his head, his war horn, split in half, was next to him and his sword was in his hands on his chest. Under his legs were placed some of the weapons that belonged to the Orcs he killed. 

Gimli and Legolas came next to Nymerial and Aragorn pushed the boat into the river. It sailed towards the waterfall. They watched as Boromir disappeared down the falls of Rauros. Aragorn sat down with Nymerial. He started to put on Boromir’s armbraces as Legolas shoved the last boat into the water and said

“Hurry! Frodo and Sam have reached the eastern shore.”

Aragorn stayed still and didn’t answer anything. Nymerial moved her leg that had healed even more. Legolas asked

“You mean not to follow them?”

Aragorn then spoke up

“Frodo’s fate is no longer in our hands.”

Gimli said with a grim voice

“Then it has all been in vain! The Fellowship has failed.”

Aragorn stood up and placed his hands onto Gimli’s and Legolas’ shoulders. He said

“Not if we hold true to each other. We will not abandon Merry and Pippin to torment and death. Not while we have strength left.”

Nymerial stood up and walked next to Aragorn. Her thigh allowed her to move freely now, but at sudden moves it would still hurt a bit. Aragorn said to the remains of the Fellowship

“Leave all that can be spared behind. We travel at light.”

Nymerial grinned and said

“Let’s hunt us some Orc!”

Gimli grinned as well. Nymerial put her bag onto her shoulders and followed Aragorn into the forest with the Elf and Dwarf in her heels.  

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