He is a Took...

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Nymerial walked to the Golden Hall with Merry and Pippin following her. She could hear the small footsteps over the voices of Gandalf and Théoden. She sneaked in through the door to hear the Wizard speaking about the incident that happened earlier

"There was no lie in Pippin's eyes. A fool...but an honest fool he remains. He told Sauron nothing of Frodo and the ring."

Nymerial went to Aragorn and Legolas. She stood beside the Elf, taking his hand in the progress. Her palm was squeezed to comfort her but nothing could help her, she was worried about the Hobbits. The ones around her and the ones saving the whole land. Gandalf continued on somewhat brighter news

"We have been strangely fortunate. Pippin saw in the Palantir a glimpse of the enemy's plan. Sauron moves to strike the city of Minas Tirith. His defeat at Helm's Deep showed our enemy one thing: he knows the heir of Elendir has come forth. Men are not as weak as he supposed; there is courage still, strength enought perhaps to challenge him. Sauron fears this. He will not risk the peoples of Middle-Earth uniting under one banner. And to add to this, the ancient ones have been awakened. Something he thought would never happen again. He will raze Minas Tirith to the ground before he sees a King return to the throne of Men or the rise of the Everlasting Rebels. If the beacons of Gondor are lit, Rohan must be ready for war."

But instead of the agreement Gandalf was waiting, he received silence. Théoden King turned to the Wizard and looked him dead in the eyes. He asked in a cold voice

"Tell me...why should we ride to the aid of thoses who do not come to ours?"

He raised his voice a bit

"What do we owe Gondor?"

Gandalf fell silent. But then Aragorn next to Nymerial spoke up

"I will go."


said Gandalf. Aragorn looked at the old man and walked to him. He argued back through gritted teeth

"They must be warned."

"They will be. You must come to Minas Tirith by another road."

Nymerial then got interested and let go of Legolas' hand. She walked next to her brother and the White Wizard nodded as if promising her to listen as well. He continued

"Follow the river and look to the balck ships. Understand this: things are now in motion that cannot be undone. I ride for Minas Tirith."

Gandalf then turned his head a bit and smiled as he added

"And I will not be going alone."

Nymerial looked over his shoulder and saw Pippin standing in the corner with Merry near him. Nymerial sighed, why must this be happening to her? She just got her friends back and now one of them is already leaving her again and there is nothing she could do about it this time. She felt someone putting his hand on her shoulder and as she turned around, her eyes met with thoses silvery ones.

Legolas hugged her, as if knowing what Nymerial was thinking. He whispered in her ear

"He is with Gandalf, he will be alright. You will see him again."

Nymerial only nodded and watched over Legolas' shoulder as the Wizard knelt down to Pippin's level and spoke with him, probably telling him that he will be coming too. Nymerial let go of Legolas and followed Gandalf outside.

The sun was shining in the morning on Edoras. There weren't as many people out yet as she walked to the stables with Merry and Pippin walking a few steps ahead of her. She heard their small arugement which Merry started

"Why did you look? Why do you always have to look?!"

"I do not know. I cannot help it."

"You never can."

"I am sorry, alright! I will not do it again."

"Do you not understand? The enemy thinks you have the ring! He is going to be looking for you, Pip. They have to get you out of here."

"And y-you are coming with me?"

To that, Merry didn't reply but walked away to the stables. Nymerial walked to the still Hobbit and put her hand on his head, ruffling his hair. It was the best she could do without tears starting to form in her eyes. She then walked to the stables as well but her heart broke a bit when she heard Pippin yell behind her back

"Nymerial? Merry?"

Instead of running back there and hugging the Hobbit, Nymerial screamed with a somewhat cheerful voice

"Come on, Pip!"

The Hobbit ran after her and as soon as he got near Gandalf, he was being lifted onto Shadowfax. Pippin looked down at the Wizard and asked with a sad voice

"How far is Minas Tirith?"

"Three days' ride, as the Nazgul flies. And we better hope we do not have one of those on our trail."

Nymerial heard Merry getting something out of his pocket and he handed Pippin a small leather bag that was full of something. Pippin looked at his friend

"Last of the Longbottom Leaf?"

"Something for the road. I know you have run out. You smoke too much,Pip."

"But we will see each other soon, will we not?"

"I do not know. I do not know what is going to happen."

Merry glanced at Gandalf as he stepped away, like he was trying to find an answer to the question on the Wizard's face.

But Nymerial knew he wouldn't find anything, Gandalf was the type of person who was almost unreadable. She then looked at Pippin and saw tears in his eyes as he asked from her

"We will see each other soon, right, Nymerial?"

She felt tears welling up in her eyes but didn't let them fall. Instead she took Pippin's hand and smiled sadly as she replied

"Let us hope so. There is always hope."

She wasn't going to lie to her friend. She let go of his hand as Gandalf hopped onto his horse and whispered to Shadowfax

"Run, Shadowfax. Show us the meaning of haste."

They rode out with Pippin's screams in their ears


Both of them ran after their friend. They rushed up to a watchtower to see Shadowfax galloping on the plains. Nymerial heard Aragorn joining them and Merry spoke

"He has always followed me. Everywhere I went, since before we were tweens. I would get him into the worst sort of trouble. But I was always there to get him out. And now he is gone."

Nymerial and Aragorn both put a hand on Merry's shoulder as he continued

"Just like Frodo and Sam."

Aragorn then tried to comfort the Hobbit and his sister

"One thing I have learned about Hobbits: they are most hardy folk."

The Halfling looked up and smiled sadly

"Foolhardy maybe. He is a Took."

The three of them laughed as they watched the tiny white horse in the distance grow smaller and smaller.

I don't bow to crowns LOTR/Legolas love story #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now