Pull back...

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Nymerial hand protested as she swung her dagger across an Uruk hai's face. She hissed in pain but that was no place to whine. She had to be strong or she would have been killed. Something hard pushed her down and she saw a huge Orc towering above her. She screamed as it raised its sword. A blade then came out of its mouth as it fell dead to the side. Aragorn pulled his sword out and smiled at Nymerial. A small smile appeared on her face as well. He offered his hand and she took it. The man pulled her up and she said


A screaming was heard behind Aragorn and before he could do something, one of Nymerial's daggers was in its eye. A foul stench filled the air around them as she pulled out her blade. She let go of Aragorn's hand and looked around them. There were ten, maybe even twenty, Uruk hais with their weapons over their heads. They were surrounded.

Nymerial's wrist was starting to pulse and it become more painful to move it around. But there was nothing she could do, the creatures started to charge at them and there was nowhere to run. Aragorn stabbed the nearest one in the chest and said to Nymerial

"Their armour is weaker! A lot weaker!"

She nodded and cut the hand off from the beast near her. It fell to the ground and she stabbed it into the heart with her left hand. But as she pulled her dagger out, a sharp pain shot through the burnt area and she screamed in agony. There was no way she could fight with her left arm.

Aragorn must have heard her cry and killed the Uruk hai running towards her. He saw her wrist fro a split second and yelled over the noise around them

"You must take cover! You cannot fight!"

Nymerial crouched quickly down and put one of her daggers back into the strap in her boot. She then stood up again and shoved her dagger in the right arm into the nearest Uruk hai's neck. When she pulled her blade out, she responded

"I could fight even if I lost an arm and a leg, dear Aragorn!"

The man grinned and continued fighting for his life. Nymerial pushed her teeth together and kicked one of the beast's in the chest with her leg. It fell. She got down and her blade went through its weak leather helmet into its head. She looked up and saw another Uruk hai lifting its sword, ready to strike. The iron fell, but against the ground.

Nymerial had rolled out of the way and was now standing right behind it. She pushed her dagger into the back of its neck and watched it fade into the darkness he was made in. She removed her weapon when she heard Théoden yell

"Aragorn, Nymerial, pull back to the gate!"

Nymerial heard the brother yell somewhere near her

"Am Marad! (To the Keep!)"

She looked to her left and saw him fighting. She screamed out as well to her people

"Taganege! (Retreat!)"

Aragorn led the men to the keep while fighting on. He then said

"Nan barad! Haldir! Nan barad! (Pull back! Haldir! Pull back!)"

The Elf, still on the wall, nodded and yelled orders to his men. Nymerial started to move towards the keep as well. She saw Gimli being dragged away by the men of Rohan while he was growling

"What are you doing? Stop it!"

'So he woke up.' thought Nymerial as the opening came closer. The Dragonkind were already piling in and she saw Alice with them. Alice met her gaze and said

"We are all here! Come!" (play vid if you want)

She nodded and started to turn her back out something stopped her. The whole place fell silent to her when she looked up at the Elf captain and saw an Uruk hai in front of Haldir, it had a club in its hand. The Elf didn't see it and the beast hit Haldir in the stomach. He dragged his sword across its chest and then stumbled in pain. He looked around at his running men and didn't hear another Uruk hai behind him. It lifted its sword and brought it down into Haldir's back. Nymerial finally found the voice in her and she yelled


She heard her brother scream the name of his friend


They both ran away from the ground and towards the stairs leading to the wall. Aragorn was in front and he killed the Uruk hais who tried to stop them, Nymerial slayed the ones that were behind them.

When they reached the wall, they saw Haldir had fallen in his knees and was looking around. All he saw were his men on the ground with Men of Rohan and Orcs next to them. Some warriors were holding off the Uruk hais and Orcs when Aragorn and Nymerial got to Haldir. Aragorn got down and lifted the Elf up and Nymerial saw how the life left his eyes as he looked up at the starless sky. Aragorn placed his hand onto his friend's chest and a single tear rolled down Nymerial's face. Her brother then stood up and ran towards the ladders.

Nymerial knew what he was thinking and followed his lead. They both jumped onto a ladder and fell towards the ground with it. When they landed, the weight of the ladder killed many enemies. They continued fighting side by side.

They were trying to get to the door that led into the keep. Nymerial was getting tired from using only her right hand. She started to move slower but luckily the door was almost there. She cut through a neck and as she was ready to push it into the chest, she was grabbed by Aragorn and pulled inside the Keep.

They went over to the King who was yelling orders

"Brace the gate!"

Nymerial looked over to the gate and saw that it was almost broken. Théoden then ordered

"To the gate! Draw your swords!"

He and his men drew swords and went over to the gate, trying to defend it. A guard said

"We cannot hold them much longer!"

Aragorn and Nymerial ran towards them to help. The King turned to Aragorn and said

"Hold them!"

He asked

"How long do you need?"

"As long as you can give me!"

He nodded his head once in understanding and yelled


Before the two could leave, Nymerial grabbed her brother's hand and whispered

"I can fight as well."

He looked into her eyes and muttered

"No, you are hurt. I cannot risk it, you might get hurt even more."

"I am not leaving you, you can get killed. I am coming!"

Aragorn looked at her, ready to argue back, but he saw determination in her eyes and let go of her hand. He turned his back at her and, after a second, motioned his head to follow him. Nymerial put away her dagger and grabbed her sword. She knew that she couldn't do much damage with her small daggers against the Uruk hais in front of the gate.   

I don't bow to crowns LOTR/Legolas love story #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now