The Army of the Dead...

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The air seemed to be as dead as the surroundings to Nymerial: it was as still and cold as a corpse would be after decades of being buried. The path was dark and narrow as the group moved deeper and deeper into the mountain. Nymerial saw hundreds of skulls buried in the mountain walls, as if watching their every move.

There were whispers that reached her ears, no understandable words, she could only hear the dark tone. Legolas beside her seemed to be looking at something or someone in the far distance. Gimli seemed to notice it as well

"What is it? What do you see?"

"I see shapes of men and of horses."


The Dwarf's eyes moved quickly from left to right as he tried to look if there was someone with them who was not invited. Legolas stood up a bit taller as his eyes went wide at what he saw

"Pale banners like shreds of cloud. Spears rise like winter-thickets through a shroud of mist. The dead are following. They have been summoned."

Nymerial could feel an icy breeze running past her shoulder and a raspy breath on her cheek

"And now they are waiting for us."

She followed Aragorn and Legolas while Gimli stayed behind them, gloating over nothing as he tried to keep back the entering to the heart of the city

"The Dead? Summoned? I knew that. Very good. Very good. Legolas!"

He caught up with them as the three stopped. There was fog surrounding them, it came out of nowhere. Then, suddenly, shapes of arms appear, reaching up to the group as they try to grab them. They reminded Nymerial of the demons trying to drag her as she was choosing her path. It dawned to her that it might have not been the servants of the nightmare, they could have been the ancestors who chose a path of their own. She pushed the hands away gently and continued with Gimli trying to blow the shapes of mist away. She felt the path change from smooth to bumpy, as if a pile of rocks had been thrown under their feet. When she looked down, her whole body froze for a second as Aragorn said just a moment too late

"Do not look down."

Gimli did the exact opposite and he was shocked as well when he saw dozens of skulls beneath their feet. They continued their journey a little slower, listening to the cracking sound which echoed back to them. The air grew colder and and Nymerial felt as if the mountain began to close up around them, leaving no doorways and she grew worried. What if this was her end? Would her fears drive her to her demise? Her heartbeat fastened when she suddenly felt someone take her hand.

Legolas squeezed it in comfort, knowing what the feeling of being trapped did to the love of his life. He hated the feeling but they both knew turning back would be certain death whereas a march forwards had a small glimmer of hope left. 

The group soon came to a doorway which led to the biggest underground hall Nymerial had ever seen. There were the remains of what seemed to be a great city with houses carved from the mountain itself. There were statues and columns everywhere with bits and pieces around them. Gimli followed Gimli's move in pulling out her weapons. Daggers in hand, Nymerial jumped slightly as a voice shook the walls of the ruins 

"Who enters my domain?"

Before her very eyes appeared a ghost. His clothes and posture said that he was the ruler of the Dead Men of Dunharrow, the Oathbreakers. The King's robes were once red but now they were covered in dust and tattered at the ends. His skeleton head held a helmet, aged and rusty. Aragorn answered the ghost's question

"One who will have your allegiance."

The man's eyes met with the Dead's and the ruler's cold, dead voice said

"The dead do not suffer the living to pass."

"You will suffer me!"

Laughter was only heard, laughter which was joined by thousands of more voices. The city of the dead appeared instead of the ruins, showing what once was their home. The Army of the Dead walked out, spears and swords held high as they marched to the summoning of their King. The dead ones surrounded the living, leaving no gaps. Nymerial's breath was lost as she raised her daggers in useless hope that she would be able to stop a ghost sword with it. The king stepped closer to Aragorn as he spoke

"The way is shut. It was made by those who are dead. And the dead keep it. The way is shut. Now you must die."

An arrow fled past Nymerial's head as Legolas tried to protect his friend but it just flew through the ghost's head. She could see the other fighters closing up around them with an eternal flame in eyes that lusted for blood. Aragorn said, voice powerful and firm

"I summon you to fulfill your oath."

"None but the King of Gondor may command me!"

The sword was drawn from its binds as Aragorn lifted the blade of the King in front of his face, determined and fearless. Never had Nymerial seen him like that, it was as if the lost and forgotten part of him had fought its way through the shell of a ranger.

The leader of the Oathbreakers lifted his sword high before bringing it down in attempt to destroy Aragorn. His men followed his lead and stepped closer to attack. One even attacked Nymerial and managed to draw blood for she did not see it coming. She crouched down, holding the now bleeding shoulder.

Even though in pain, she witness the battle in front of her. Aragorn had parried the blow of the King with Andúril, pushing him back. The ghost was surprised as he spoke 

"That bind was broken!"

"It has been remade."

Nymerial stood up and glared at the solder that had attacked her. She felt the dagger she had still in hand, the other laid on the ground, grow hotter. The shin of the iron glowed red as the breath of a dragon.

"May you be a leader of your kin in every world, being able to protect it from even after you have stepped out of the tree of life."

The words she had been told by the ancient spirits rang in her ears as she charged forwards, her dagger finding its destined way into the dead one's chest. It stayed there instead of just going through and the soldier froze as he felt the remains of his life flow away into the dark abyss which was Death itself. The King took a step back as Nymerial stood tall next to her brother with glances from both the living and the dead followed her. He said with shock written on his pale face 

"You were forgotten in the stories which became legends and are now only mere myths. You are not supposed to walk these lands anymore."

"We have stepped out of the songs. And I will fight with whatever will cross my and my kin's path."

It was not hard for Gimli and Legolas to see crowns on the two sibling's heads. The two looked like a King and Queen should: ready to risk their lives for the sake of the souls of their people and with pride still in their eyes. Aragorn spoke as the Army of the Dead took a small step back

"Fight for us, and regain your honour. What say you?"

(AN: The vid is a deleted scene of this chapter, please watch it if you wish, the first part is very funny with Gimli (pretend Nymerial is there). Thanks)

I don't bow to crowns LOTR/Legolas love story #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now