Chapter 42: "...I don't regret it"

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Lance sat in the office, leaning back in a very uncomfortable plastic chair. He had been sitting there for about thirty minutes, waiting for his sibling to pick him up. Lance had to sit down with his principal and discuss why he was in a fight. Of course, Lance didn't give details. He only said that he 'did what he had to do'. The principal wasn't too pleased with that answer, but Lance wasn't willing to give any other information. It wasn't his story to tell, so he kept his mouth shut. Lotor didn't explain why they got in a fight either, knowing he'd receive greater consequences. Overall, the two didn't say much about the reasoning for their altercation. Lance got suspended for ten full days, basically two weeks. Lotor only got suspended for five days considering he didn't start the fight.

The brunette didn't regret a single thing. He was glad he got in a fight with Lotor, and he was even more glad that he won. Lance expected to come out on top, he had no doubts in himself whatsoever. It was Lotor for God's sake. He thought way too highly of himself. Getting his ass beat was inevitable, but Lotor was too stuck up to realize that sooner. Lance was just glad he got it over with. He felt like beating the shit out of Lotor and destroying James' car relieved a lot of stress and anger. Fewer emotions were bubbling inside him, he felt more at ease. Lance still felt a little off, but he knew that feeling would fade sooner than later.

Even if Lance shook out some nerves, he knew he was going to have to deal with his very angry boyfriend. He could only picture how pissed Keith was at that moment. Lance got himself suspended and created a whole bunch of chaos. Every student in the school would be talking about this for the next two weeks. Two seniors who have ran the school together since they were Sophomores get into a fight. Yeah, that's not blowing over easily. On top of the fight, Lance came out. He definitely came out to his school in a very...odd way, but he was glad to get everything off his chest. This isn't how Lance pictured coming out to go, but he couldn't help the adrenaline rush. It had Lance talking out of character. He even snapped at Allura, which he felt bad about. She didn't have a single clue about what was going on between Lance and Lotor, and Lance probably scared her. Lance also didn't listen to Keith's request when he was told to stop. He just simply ignored his boyfriend, which he would pay for later on. To cap it off, the whole thing was recorded, from many different angles. Lance wasn't allowed on his phone, but he could only imagine all the people posting it and texting him.

Lance's head shot towards the door after hearing it open. In came a very angry Marco. He took a second to glare at Lance, making the younger gulp hard. Of course, they fucking call Marco! Out of his three siblings, Lance just had to get stuck with the meanest. Marco could be super strict at times, he was a pain in the ass growing up with. He always snitched on Lance for little things as kids. Then as they got older Lance tried his absolute hardest to hide everything from Marco because he'd either get a lecture or snitched on. Lance let his head fall back, a sigh escaping his lips. He was for sure dead meat, and he'd be hearing about this till September.

"I'm here to take home my nuisance of a little brother," Marco mumbled, gritting his teeth. Saying he was pissed was an understatement. No, he was livid. What the fuck was wrong with his little brother? They were never raised to fight. The four siblings were all raised to be respectful and the bigger person. Any altercation was solved fairly and kindly. What the hell was Lance thinking picking a fight? Especially in school! He was only months away from graduating and Lance was testing the waters. Marco could not be more disappointed than he was right then. This wasn't like Lance, at all. Lance was loving and understanding. His little brother was never the type to get into fights. He wasn't violent, he wouldn't hurt a fly or even consider joining the army.

Lance rolled his eyes to the back of his head with that sentence. He wasn't a nuisance. If anything, Marco was the nuisance. He was annoying and stuck his nose into everything. Not only that, there was a stick up his ass all the time. Lance sighed, this was already becoming so stressful. He knew that he put himself into this situation, but he still didn't want to deal with the consequences. Lance also knew Marco wouldn't be the only person trying to bite off his head today. He'd probably be hearing it from the rest of his siblings and Keith.

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