Chapter 51: 'You're hotter'

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"I swear to fucking God if he glares at me one time I'm going to punch him in the back of the head," Lance snarled, his eyes focused on Lotor who was currently standing at the front of the batting cage.

Kinkade chuckled a little, leaning back on the bench. "Don't let him get to you. He's just trying to spite you," he mumbled, his own eyes looking over to the white-haired male.

"It's sure as hell working."

"It's not worth it, trust me. Besides, isn't Keith in the crowd?" Ryan asked, remembering how Lance told him his boyfriend would be showing up.

Lance sighed, knowing Ryan was right. Still, Lotor constantly looking over to him made him ridiculously angry. Lance knew he had to get his head in the game. He wasn't here to start fights, he was here to play baseball. It was literally his first game of the season, Lance couldn't slip up. As much as he wanted to step up to Lotor, he couldn't. He needed to keep his head on straight if he wanted to make it past his first game. Lotor was just trying to mess him up, Lance knew that. He wanted to see Lance fail because he got his ass beat in front of the entire school. Lance wasn't about to let him ruin the thing he loved to do most. He didn't let Lotor ruin his relationship with Keith, and he wasn't about to let him ruin baseball. Lance loathed the fact that he was on the same team as Lotor, but that wasn't going to stop him from playing his best. If anything, he was motivated to play better knowing that Lotor was watching. Lance wanted to one-up Lotor so hard, and he fucking would. He'd play better than him just like he always did.

"Yeah, yeah, I know... It's just the first game, I can't let him fuck me up now," Lance murmured, his eyes finally leaving Lotor.

"Exactly, if you ignore it he'll-"

"McClain! You're up next, get your bat," coach shouted, making his way over to Lance and Ryan. He gazed down at the two boys on the bench, narrowing his eyes.

"Got it," Lance responded, standing to his feet. He looked through the fence of the batting cage, watching as the opposite team played the outfield. Lance stretched his arms behind his head, putting his hand against his jaw to crack his neck. He walked over to the wall that he had his metal bat leaning against. Lance picked up his bat from the handle, swinging it around for a second to find his balance. He then walked over to the front of the cage, leaning against the door frame.


Keith hated Arizona, with every part of his body.

Out of all the fucking states in America he could be living in, fucking Arizona. Arizona was quite literally the pits of hell. It was the literal dessert and everything about it was torture. Keith had many reasons to hate the state he lived in, but the main reason was the ridiculous heat. It was literally fucking March and eighty degrees. God damn springtime was like summer, it was actually hell.

Keith hated the heat more than anything in the world. The heat made Keith miserable in every possible way. He hated that he couldn't wear black when it was hot out because wearing black just made him ten times hotter. Keith hated how sweaty and sticky the heat made him. Keith also hated how he couldn't wear long sleeves in the heat because he was highly insecure about his scars. He hated how he always had to wear his hair up, and most importantly, the ridiculous amount of sunscreen he had to put on so he didn't get burnt. Keith's skin was fair, very fair. He got sunburnt so easily and when he did it hurt like a bitch. Overall, Keith absolutely hated Arizona. He knew that as soon as he got the chance to leave, he was going to leave this state in the past.

But, Keith was out in Arizona heat to see his boyfriend play.

When Lance had asked Keith to come to his first game he said no because he didn't want to sit in eighty-degree weather. Then he saw how sad it made Lance to hear that he didn't want to come. Keith figured Lance would do some begging that would eventually convince Keith to come, but it was quite the opposite. Lance didn't say another word of it for a week. Keith honestly felt bad for shutting Lance down so he decided to come last minute. He texted Lance last night asking what time his game started. The Cuban was surprised at first but excited that Keith actually wanted to come. Keith didn't really want to go, but he knew it would make Lance happy. He loved the one time Keith came to his football game. It brought him so much joy knowing Keith was in the crowd supporting him. Keith knew that, so he figured he'd stop being a sucky boyfriend and go see Lance play.

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