Chapter 6: ''s all about you right?'

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Lance walked into school the next day with a killer headache. He didn't get much sleep the previous night considering he was crying. Lance was normally a pretty emotional person, so him shedding a few tears wasn't unusual. But last night Lance spent bawling for hours on end. He finally went to sleep around three in the morning, so you could only assume he was tired.

It was right after second hour, Lance was walking to his third hour. He went out of his way to avoid Keith, but he knew that he couldn't stay away from him for long. They had the same forth hour and had a project together. Considering the boys got a little distracted yesterday, Keith had to finish the intro paragraph with very little help from Lance. Keith didn't really question why Lance was acting the way he was, but frankly, Keith didn't care much.

Lance found Hunk in the hallway and smiled a little. That was his best friend, they were always together. Hunk was standing with Lotor, they both saw Lance approach them.

"You look dead," Lotor said as he looked his friend up and down. He was right, Lance looked very tired and somewhat sad.

Lance rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Shut up, I'm just tired. I got like no sleep last night," Lance mumbled. The mention of sleep caused him to yawn. God, he was so exhausted.

"We have practice today, so you better wake up," Hunk mentioned. Lance groaned, he had completely forgotten about football practice. "We need our quarterback."

"Why are you so grumpy?" Lotor said in a playful tone. "Your partner pissed you off?" Lotor liked to tease Lance about being partnered with Keith because honestly, it was kind of funny. Keith was just such an outcast. You'd never see the two working together.

Lance went to rebuttal but before he could a certain dark-haired boy crossed his vision. Keith didn't smile at Lance or try to talk to him. He simply gave Lance a look. Not a happy look, more of a glare. Was he mad at Lance? What did he do to Keith? Lance questioned why he cared so much. His whole plan was to avoid Keith as much as possible. Keith gave him mixed emotions, that he didn't really like.

"Aw, look, there he is," Lotor teased. Lance gave him a light push to which Lotor laughed at.

"I need to get to class," Lance muttered before walking off.

Hunk and Lotor looked at each other. There was definitely something wrong with him.


Fourth hour, Lance was not excited, to say the least. He had to see Keith and work with him. Not something he was particularly looking forward to.

Lance walked into his English class. He didn't bother looking for Keith, instead, he took his seat by his friends and turned to the front of the class. Lance leaned back in his seat. He was fighting the urge to look back. Lance wanted to know if Keith was looking at him. Did Keith even care? Why did Lance care? So many questions danced through his head.

The bell rang signaling class had begun. Lance kept his eyes fixed on the board. About a few seconds into class Keith walked in with his earbuds in. Because he was late he had the whole class staring at him.

"Keith, you're late," Mrs. Jackson stated as her eyes drifted to look at the student.

Keith gave her a smirk. "My bad," was all he said. He walked to the back of the class where his seat was, paying Lance no attention whatsoever.

It ate Lance up inside that Keith was ignoring him. He was the one that was supposed to be doing the ignoring, not Keith. Keith had no reason to ignore Lance, Lance had every reason to ignore Keith.

Lance's attention was brought to the teacher when she began to talk. "Fourth hour, today will be one out of the four class days you will get to work on this project. I strongly encourage you all to get to work and do your best. This is a very big grade as you all know. If you have any questions or complications, you know where I am. I haven't got to grade all of your paragraphs yet, but trust me they will be graded by the end of this week. Questions?" she asked. There was no response from the class, telling her no one had questions. "Get to work."

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