Chapter 54: 'Please, Lance!'

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"This movie is so dumb," Keith mumbled, burying his face into Lance's stomach.

Lance gasped, acting offended. "You're so uncultured. It's not dumb, it's amazing," he said in defense, turning his head to look down at his boyfriend.

"If you consider amazing a movie about an overly privileged white woman who dresses like a Barbie doll going to law school because she's too dumb to keep her boyfriend," Keith spoke, his words muffled by Lance's gray sweatshirt.

Lance frowned his eyebrows together, glaring at Keith. "You have no taste."

Keith turned to lay against his cheek, looking up at his boyfriend's handsome face. "You know, sometimes you're gayer than me and you're not even gay."

Lance threw his head back in laughter, his eyes squeezing shut. Keith couldn't help but smile at Lance's bright expression, the sound of his silly laugh filling the room. "Shut up," Lance said in between his fit of giggles.

"It's true! How could you go eighteen years of your life liking movies like Mean Girls and Legally Blonde, and still think you're fucking straight?" Keith asked, sitting up a little bit. He giggled a little as Lance only laughed harder, finding his boyfriend's comments to be scarily true but funny.

"I don't know," Lance mumbled, finally coming down from his laughter. "Maybe I just needed a fine man like you to awaken my gay side."

Keith scoffed, rolling his eyes. "I'm sure if I didn't come around Kinkade definitely would've helped you with that."

"You little- are you ever going to let that go?" Lance asked, narrowing his blue eyes at the older.

"Nope," he responded with a giggle, watching as Lance's expression soon turned to one of anger. "But seriously, this movie makes me want to fall asleep. Can we not watch this?"

Lance let out a sigh, nodding his head. He reached to his left, picking up the remote from the mattress. "What do you want to watch then?" he asked softly, clicking out of the movie.

Keith thought for a minute, staring up at the younger boy. He sat up completely, moving to straddle his boyfriend's waist. Keith took a seat on Lance's lap, blocking his view from the TV. "Let's do something else," Keith suggested, snatching the remote from his boyfriend's hands. Keith shut the TV off, leaving the two in a dark room, only lit by Keith's purple LED lights.

Lance smiled up at his boyfriend, hands running to grip his thighs. He lightly drew circles into Keith's skin, making the older shiver a little. "Like what, baby boy?"

"Hmm, I don't know..." he trailed off, leaning closer to Lance's face.

The two were barely an inch apart, gazing into each other's eyes intently. Lance leaned in, pecking Keith on the lips. Keith giggled a little as Lance pulled away. The older leaned in once again, pressing his own pale lips to Lance's tan ones. Both boys let their eyes flutter shut, enjoying the kiss thoroughly. Lance's lips slowly pulled away, eyes remaining shut. Breaking apart didn't last long as Keith smashed his lips to Lance's, humming softly. Lance then realized Keith didn't want to pull away from each other, so he kept himself pressed to the older boy. The kiss wasn't lustful, only soft and sweet. Lance couldn't help but smile against Keith's lips, loving the feeling of his boyfriend pressed again him.

Keith wasn't having the soft kiss though, moving his lips against Lance's with more urgency. Lance quickly picked up on Keith's motive, following his actions. The younger felt Keith trail his fingers from the back of his neck to his hair, deepening the kiss. Keith bit back a moan as Lance's hands gripped tighter on his thighs. Lance could feel Keith's struggle to contain himself, only making him want more. He was tempted to slide his hands back and grip Keith's ass, but Lance knew better. After the last time things got too heated he learned not to get too handsy with his boyfriend. Keith didn't like that, even if he knew Lance was doing it for his own good. He took further measures, trying to get a rise out of the younger. Keith moved his body further up Lance's lap, making him groan. The older smiled with satisfaction, knowing how difficult he was making it for his boyfriend.

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