The Ten Tails

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*Naruto's POV

"Now" I heard ring throughout the battlefield as I unleashed everything I had at the wooden statue in front of us. The Biju dama flew across the barren battlefield tearing a line through the charred soil. tailing behind me the Biju dama from the eight tails followed

"mines bigger," I said as I smirked at him

"Yeah, your the first dude to be able to say that," he said in his eight tails form as I heard a laugh from him. My attention went back to the battle as the attacks collided with their target. Smoke flew into the sky as we heard a screech come from the statue followed by the ground shaking. Cheers began to emerge from the shinobi alliance as the battle was thought to be won.

"Everyone brace," I yelled as I threw a kunai straight in front of me as a much larger, almost spiked Biju dama came hurtling back at us. It was moments away from colliding with Kurama's chakra avatar before I managed to teleport it away. The cheers were cut short as the Biju dama I teleported away exploded behind us throwing a lot of people off balance.

"Well shit," I cursed as I looked back at the statue. Where there was once a small slit there was a giant multi tomoe Sharingan. A searing pain went down my throat as I saw two figures standing on top of the statue's head.

"Obito and the reanimated Madara are with the statue," I yelled to Shikamaru.

"Main threat is the statue, worry about those two for lat-" Shikamaru began to yell but Kakashi cut him off

"Leave Obito to me," he said as he jumped onto my shoulder. I gave Kakashi a nod as I tossed him a kunai and was about to teleport him to Obito when Guy (Gui? I forget how I have spelled in in past chapters so deal with it) join him saying he would go and deal with Madara. Knowing it wouldn't do any good to argue Kakashi gave him a nod and I teleported both of them over. I looked back over and saw two bodies jump off each side of the statue.

"Ok that leave us to take care of that thing," I said to the eight tails

"Better do it fast yo (God I don't know how to write dialogue for Bee so this will be cringy af) that thing has another bomb coming at us" He yelled as the statue shot another Biju dama at us. I charged another one of my own and shot it at the incoming one. The two collided and exploded on the spot almost throwing me off my feet.

"Alright I have an idea but not sure if it will work," I said to Bee as I threw a kunai at him. It sunk in and I teleported us to the statue using the mark on Obito who was still nearby. 

"Go for the eye," I yelled as I shot another Biju dama at the statue's eye. Bee followed behind me doing the same but before either shot could hit their mark the statue flicked them away as if it was a fly. My Biju dama was shot straight back at me forcing me to teleport behind the beast to dodge. Bee wasn't so lucky as he was hit straight on with his own attack. Faster than I thought the beast could move it grabbed one of Bee's tentacles and bit into it tearing it from his body and swallowing it.

'The hell was that speed' I thought as I now stood behind the beast. I fired off another biju dama before teleporting in front of it firing another one. Little to my surprise the beast managed to deflect the two of them using its tails. 

"Eight tails are you ok" I yelled as the giant octopus sat back up

"All good yo, this thing has a killer bite," He shouted as the beast charged me again. I teleported out of the way at the last moment but my speed couldn't compare to this thing. I felt something wrap around my torso as I looked down to see one of the beast tails wrapped around me.

'shit' I thought as I was thrown to the ground as my body recoiled off the ground I tried to teleport away but the monster was too fast and smacked me aside before I could.

'Teleporting like this takes a lot more time and energy,' I thought as I stood back up but was quickly pinned to the ground as the statue's massive hand held me down. It opened its mouth and bit down on my avatar's head. I quickly released Kurama's avatar but the beast already had what it wanted as it absorbed Kurama's chakra and roared in success as it seems to create a cocoon around itself.

"What's it doing now" the Eight tails yelled over to me

"I don't know but it got some of my chakra,"  I replied as the eight tails returned to his human form

"We should back up for now," I said to Bee "We need to see what comes out of this thing before confronting it like last time," I said as I was about to teleport us away I heard a voice call overhead

"Don't go yet teleporter, I was just about to have some fun with you" Madara said as he jumped over us and ran up to the cocoon. Something was different about him this time, he was much faster and had a much scarier aura around him.

"He's alive," I accidentally said out loud

"Yeah that's been happening a lot today," Bee said to me thinking I missed the reanimation 

"No, like he isn't an animated body, He is alive like me and you," I said as a shiver went down my spine 

'That means Guy sensei lost, I thought as I looked behind us to see Obito occupying both Guy and Kakashi sensei.

"This is bad ain't it," Bee said as he pointed to Madara doing hand signs while standing on top of the cocoon

"Stop him now," I yelled as I teleported to him. I was inches away from him when he rested his hand on the top of the cocoon and it seemed to collapse in on itself taking him with it. I quickly teleported back to Bee avoiding the collapse. Smoke now filled where the statue once was

"So is it over, did his Jutsu backfire," Bee asked as the smoke cleared

"Not quite," I said as I pulled out more of Kurama's power as I saw a white figure floating in the cloud of smoke. "This just got a whole lot harder,"


So it's been a hot minute since I watched the end of Naruto so the details a fuzzy at best with most parts so everything is most likely not accurate so sorry but didn't want to leave this book so close to the end so I'm here to finish it. The next chapter will be the end of our journey here with this story so expect a longer chapter as I was hoping to be further along at this point but what the hell ever. I plan on making a more regular updating schedule for my other books and like three new ones so keep an eye out for that. 

Night Y'all

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