Late Night Whispers

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(Y/n) couldn't sleep , he was busy cringing at everything that happened that day.

Dream's mom had offered the guest room for Techno and (Y/n) , but there was only one bed in it , and he wasn't about that life. 
Everything had been okay until the fucking chainsaw comment .
He and Dream had been making jokes about lovey-dovey couples and acting like one .
Then Techno came and (Y/n) disconnected from reality , letting his subconscious mind take over.

Why the fuck did he talk about kinks with Technoblade?! .

He didn't deny it .
He didn't deny it and it was sending (Y/n) places he didn't want to be .

The (h/c) haired man hid his face in between his hands an let out a heavy sigh .

"Can't sleep?" Dream's voice echoed in the silent house , making the other jump .

"What the hell?" (Y/n) sat up and looked behind the couch , where Dream sat in the kitchen counter -- he could barely see the corner of his grey pajamas -- .
The moonlight covered every inch of the modern looking kitchen .
"What are you doing there?" He questioned , getting up and walking up to his friend .

The blonde looked really tired , messy hair , sleepy eyes and barefoot .

"It's a habit" the man replied , an awkward smile forming on his face .

"You're weird" (Y/n) chuckled , looking away from his friend . Nothing had really changed since the last time he visited , which was odd since he was 15 when last visited .

"You're one to talk" Dream nudged him lightly "mister 'i'm actually really soft' " .

(Y/n) groaned, embarrassed .
"Give me a break".

"I'd do it , but you're really fun to tease " the green eyed man moved closer to his friend .
"I've never seen you so ... Troubled by anything before " that was a lie , he had been there when he was kicked out of his house .

"Yeah ... He breaks me" (Y/n) sighed and payed his head on the (taller/shorter/other)'s shoulder .

"Is that a good or a bad thing?" His friend questioned .

"I don't like it , but it's not necessarily bad " he stated , thinking about how Techno made him feel " do you remember when we where 18? I thought I had a crush on you "

Dream chuckled softly , shaking his shoulders slightly .

"Yeah , i remember that"

"Turns out I was just figuring out what I wanted " a smile made it's way into the man's face " George helped me with that , such a sweetheart" .
He felt Dream stiffen at the comment , the blonde hadn't been happy when he heard about 'George's methods' .

"Yeah , what a sweetheart" he said after a few minutes of silence .

"You still don't like the memory?"

"Oh no , i find it funny now!" Dream turned his head to look at (Y/n) better , who was looking at him with wide eyes , the man looked lost.
"I get angry at myself , i did so many things I regret when I was younger"

"I think we all regret something from our past"

"What do you regret the most?"

(Y/n) thought for a second .
"I regret believing what my parents told me".

"That wasn't your fault"

"Boom , trama cured! You should be a doctor" (Y/n) said sarcastically , rolling his eyes .
Dream chuckled sadly besides him .

"Yeah , sorry "  he hugged (Y/n) close " do you want to change the topic?" (Y/n) nodded and pressed his body closer to Dream's .
The blonde made a noise of approval and thought for a second .

"Do you want to talk about Techno?"

(Y/n) chuckled , it's better than keeping it to myself .

"What do you want me to tell you? , There's nothing you don't already know"

"I'm not inside your head , i don't know what you think"

The (taller/shorter/other) male huffed , not even him knew how his brain worked anymore .

"I've been having ... Weird dreams about him " he confessed  .

"Oh" Dream said , not really surprised "that's not too bad , i have dreams about you sometimes"

"Have you dreamed of kissing me until I can't speak?"

Dream stayed silent .

"Yeah , that's what I thought"

"Did you have dreams like that when you had a crush on me? "Dream questioned , rubbing (Y/n)'s arm reassuringly .

"I don't remember" he replied " it wouldn't have been memorable anyway , i thought I was in love with you , those dreams would've made sense"

"And this don't?"

"No!" He hissed .
Dream stayed silent for a second , then pulled (Y/n) onto his lap , resting his head on top of (Y/n)'s

"He's like Hades , slowly guiding me to my death"he whispered .

"Kill him first"

(Y/n) gave him a puzzled look.

"If you want to kill a God , aim for it's heart "


"Because it's fragile , like ours"

The (h/c) haired man shivered .
They stayed there for a while , cuddling each other in silence , enjoying the sight of their skins shining in the moonlight .

"We should go to sleep" Dream suggested , his voice barely higher than a whisper . He was holding (Y/n) by the hip softly , who nodded , feeling sleepy .

"Do you want to sleep with me?" Another nod came from the (h/c) haired man , he could barely keep his eyes open .

"Stand up (N/n) (Nick name) , I'm way too tire to carry you " .

The man groaned annoyed and stood up reluctantly , leaning on the blonde when he stood up .
They slowly walked up the stairs , careful to not make much noise .

They got into Dream's bed and faced away from each other .

"Good night idiot" Dream said lovingly .

"Night rat" (Y/n) replied with the same loving tone .


Techno woke up to the smell of pancakes .
He stretched , the guest room was comfortable and quiet .

He expected to see (Y/n) on the couch , he was planning on apologizing for taking the guest room , but the (h/c) haired man wasn't on the couch .

"Good morning sleepy head" Dream's mom greeted him from the kitchen .

"Good morning miss"  he looked around , trying to find his roommate .

"Could you wake up Dream? I would ask (Y/n) but i haven't seen him" .
Techno nodded , remembering (Y/n)'s warning .

He walked up the stairs , steps heavy with sleep , and knocked on the door before opening it .
He felt his stomach start burning when he saw (Y/n) clinging onto Dream as if his life depended on it .
The annoying whispering in brain came back , trying to get him to be mad at Dream , or (Y/n) .
But he was only mad at himself for acting so stupid and daring to be that selfish .

With a heavy sigh , he moved his head from side to side , trying to get rid of those thoughts .

"Wake up you two"

𝐓𝐎 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐀 𝐆𝐎𝐃 || Technoblade x male reader ||Where stories live. Discover now