Half Baked

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A week went by and (Y/n) was growing accustomed to the weird tension that appeared everytime he and Techno where in the same room .
It wasn't bad tension , and it wasn't sexual for sure -- he felt sexual tension before he surely didn't wan to runaway and hide when that happened-- but it felt intimate and fragile .

Their neighbors had surprised them with a gift about two days ago , a lovely batch of freshly baked cookies in the shapes of crowns , that was also the day where they found out the taller girl , Lidia , used to watch Technoblade's videos before she went to college .

(Y/n) had been a little sad that they couldn't return the gift , and Techno suggested they made a cooking stream , that way they could return the gift and get content out of it as well , and totally not because he was a complete softie for lesbians , not a chance .
Of course (Y/n) didn't comment on it and just agreed to do the cooking stream , Techno would also be streaming , of course .

Since the karaoke stream Techno had lost his insecurity in being seen , partially by how much the fans where praising his look and partially for how the image of his face disappeared as quick as it appeared , almost as if the fans knew when to let go of a person's appearance , knowing tht where insecure about it .

They quietly set up their cameras in the opposite ends of the table , in case people wanted to see from another angle , even if their interactions would be the same .

(Y/n) was a little worried , it wasn't the first time they streamed together after the airport incident , but it was the first time they'd be spending a entire stream together in the same room .

"Everything done on my end" Techno said , monotone as always .

"Great , let me finish this convo with my mods and we can go live" he was currently discussing the new rule of ' no excessive (Y/)blade comments ' .
He figured that it would be bad to let people push them like they did before when it came to shipping , sice the idea of a relationship between them was a sensitive topic.

He felt Techno's chest press slightly against his back and he had to gather all his strength to not flinch .

"What are you doing?" He asked nonchalantly .

"Establishing new rules" his mods where being difficult , trying to pry the reason for the change out of him .


"Because it's a sensitive topic now?" He asked instead of giving an answer , it was the right thing to do in his mind .

"You don't have to change things around you (Y/n) , at least that's not what I'm looking for" Techno said , backing away from him , as if his words didn't send (Y/n)'s heart into a confused frenzy .

"What are you looking for?" He typed a quick apology and told his mods to disregard the new rule before looking back at Techno .
The man was quietly admiring the back of the flour bag , his already pale fingers turning white as they made contact with the flour .

God , he's screwed .

"That's for me to know , and for you to find out" Techno sent him a knowing glance with a wide grin .

He couldn't stop himself , everything about the moment felt so intimate and careless , as if nothing could ruin the weird mood in the room .

"Why are you so cruel to me?" He let his hands fall from his laptop's keyboard and rest besides his body , soft nervousness dancing in his fingers .

"You're cruel with yourself honey bunny " they both raised their eyebrows at the nick name and silence wrapped around them for a few seconds.

"Is that okay?" Techno asked once he figured (Y/n) wasn't going to break the silence himself .

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