Moving In

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(Y/n) had barely talked to Techno the days before their flight , and it was making Techno nervous .
Perhaps he had done something wrong ? What could upset the other man so much to ignore him right before moving in with him .
He was anxious as he entered the plane , chewing his nails throughout the trip.


I landed
Should I look for you?

I'm waiting outside with Dream
You'll see us when you come out

Techno couldn't help but feel the jealousy bubble up in his stomach .
He truly envied the close bond Dream had with (Y/n) , despite all his efforts he couldn't get through the the (taller/smaller/other) male's walls . Sure , they jokingly flirted some times , but (Y/n) didn't let their relationship develop further .
Even if he felt a bit envious , he knew they had to pick up their stuff from Dream's house , who had been kind enough to let them send anything that wasn't clothes to his house .

He sighed a she grabbed his blue , clothe filled , suitcase and walked over to the exit of the airport .
People ran around , some with smiles covering their faces , others frowning at the clock , families , friends and a few others where alone .


He remembered hearing (Y/n) talk to Eret and Niki about how alone he was , he couldn't help but pity the man . He had his family back at home , people that weren't involved in the internet and could give him some peace of mind , even if he was somewhat low profile -- sitting comfortably inside his 3 million subs -- it could get overwhelming at times .
He thought about how hard it must have been for (Y/n) , who had to manage 7 million subscribers , in addition to that he was openly part of a very judged minority online -- openly gay-- and had little to no emotional support.  Sure , he had a bunch of friends , but what if he ever felt like Techno did , just wanting a hug and a movie night with someone who loved him for who he was and not what he did .

The man rubbed his forehead softly , he was assuming so many things about someone who clearly didn't want him sticking his nose on his business .

He pushed the glass door open and sure enough there they where , chatting .
(Y/n) had a big dumb smile -- the kind that made Techno's heart shiver-- and a embarrassed look on his face .
Dream on the other hand was smiling mischievously , his arms wrapped around (Y/n) waist , making exaggerated expressions while he talked . He wasn't sure about how he should feel about their proximity , but it was a them thing , that one rainy day he had witnessed Dream pull (Y/n) around the small hotel room and ,much to his surprise , onto his lap . The (h/c) haired man seemed okay with it and had called the blonde a simp several times .

Techno shrugged , getting out of his weirds thoughts . He shouldn't be analysing someone else's friendship .

He walked over to them .
The first one to notice was Dream , who let go of (Y/n) to wave at him .
(Y/n)'s shoulders got slightly stiffer , so slightly Techno almost didn't notice it , almost .

"Sup man" Dream said once Techno was close enough to hear them .

"Hallo" he greeted the men with his monotone voice , letting a hit of excitement wiggle it's way in as well .

"You're ready to do some lifting?" (Y/n) asked , getting closer to the (taller/smaller/other) man .

Techno would have gotten flustered at the proximity of their bodies if he wasn't drowning in absolutely horror at his words .


"There are like , 20 boxes at home" Dream said "and they're heavy"

"Oh fuck me gently with a chainsaw" he whined out , letting go of his suitcase .

(Y/n) seemed to hesitate before saying "bet" .

A little intrusive thought made it's way into Techno's brain .
What if...?

Oh God.

He was completely embarrassed , and hearing Dream laugh his lungs out wasn't helping .

"That's kinda weirdchamp bud" he said with the same monotone as always , the only thing that betrayed his composed front was the pink dust in his pale cheeks .

(Y/n) raised an eyebrow , clearly enjoying the idea of making Techno uncomfortable in such a nice way , it was evil.
He did it as well , but it didn't make it less evil .

"I took you for a pain kink kin of person" the (h/c) haired man said , a smug smile on his face .

"I would've said the same about you" He replied , not wanting to let (Y/n) win.
No , he did want him to win , very deep inside he did , but he wanted to give a fight .

"Nah , I'm actually very soft " (Y/n) replied , suddenly acting shy and avoiding Techno's eyes .


"Really? , You seem a lot more rough" .

Dream gave a light chuckle at that , receiving a glare from (Y/n) . With everything he had seen he wouldn't be surprised if the two friends had some type of sexual contact or relationship .

"Nah , I'm a sucker for praise" (Y/n) replied , his smug grin changed into a small smile , his eyes filled with competition once again .

Well that sure was some useless information he'd never use .

"We should get going , this conversation dosen't make sense to me without my partner" Dream said awkwardly , gesturing towards his car .

"Awee , you miss Gogy already?" (Y/n) said mockingly , picking up his suitcase anyway .

"I do actually " The blonde opened the car door for (Y/n) "and as soon as we got you two love birds settled I can go back to mine" .

Techno rolled his eyes and got in the car besides (Y/n) .

"I'm not a damn taxi" the blonde tall man whined , getting in the car .

"You'll be one today"


Dream's house was big and we'll kept .
A blonde woman was waiting for them at the door .

"Mom!" Dream exclaimed , getting out of the car .
The woman ignored her son and went to hug (Y/n) and Techno .

"You two must be by boys friend's! He never shuts about you " she exclaimed , hugging them tightly .
"Now , who is who?" .

"I'm (Y/n) , miss" he said with a funny smile painted a cross his face .

"Wait really?! You've changed so much!" She ruffled the man's (h/c) locks .

"That means you must be Techno?" She then turned to him , smiling excitedly .

"A pleasure to meet you miss " he nodded .

"Oh please come in , we have so many things to talk about before you go !" She started dragging both new faces into her home . Dream gave them an apologetic look before following his mom .

"Guess we are doing this" Techno whispered to his roommate .

"You bet , Dream's mom is a person I'd rather in good terms with" the (h/c) haired man said , clearly having interacted with the woman before.

And so , they spent the entire day talking with Dream's mom , sometimes his siblings would chime in to embarrass Dream as well .
It had gotten dark once they snapped out the trance that was the woman's conversation , and they where invited to stay for the night.

(Y/n) slept on the sofa , to his request , and Techno got the guest room .

It was a lovely day.

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