Fractured Lungs

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Confusion filled (Y/n) as he stared at his housemate .
His eyes shined with new found confidence as his cracked and faded like a small glass box .

"How was your trip?"
He begged for it to be a nightmare , it had to be a nightmare .
He had gathered all the confidence he could find, spent nights in fear and pain for Technoblade to gently push his feelings aside and ignore him .

Perhaps he was being selfish , but being selfless didn't work .

"No no , wait" his eyes unfocused and he had to raise his arms to keep himself steady "you can't just reject me and just ask me how my trip was , that's not-" that's not fair .

" I didn't reject you " the pale man shrugged and looked away , seemingly uninterested .

(Y/n) didn't know how to feel , a beacon of hope rose from the dead ground in his heart .
But it didn't feel like love , like closure , why?

"What... What do you mean?" Confusion , he was begining to grow comfortable with the feeling . He was always confused when he was with Techno , (Y/n) wanted to ask so many questions , but he knew the answers where blurry and burned .

"You think you like me , when you've figured out if you do or if you don't you'll have a concrete answer " pain , a misspoken word and he missed the man he loved .

His small heart was starting to hurt too much to be handled .

"I like you then!" It felt like reaching , clawing at the moving ground as he tried not to fall .

" We both know you don't mean it " his cold gaze came back to him , shivers where sent down his spine .
But he did mean it , he meant it so much , so so much .
Techno's hand rested on his shoulder for a second .

"Let's get a taxi and you can tell me about your trip" .

(Y/n) took a deep breath , trying to calm himself down .
Techno already gave him a answer , and he wasn't entitled to another answer .
At least he dosen't hate me
Encouraging thoughts , hope .
At least he hadn't ruined their friendship.

He had to wait , patience wasn't his best quality but he could try , for Techno .
Techno was willing to wait for him , it wouldn't be fair if he wasn't willing to do the same .

He just hoped that it was worth it .

"Okay , yeah , let's do that"

The ride home was long and tortuous for him , Techno seemed to be getting some kind of sick pleasure out of it .

If he ever missed a detail Techno made him revisit that part of the story until he spilled everything , almost as if he wanted to completely understand (Y/n)'s brain .

He detailed his panic attack , admitting to being confused and scared about his feelings , then George's welcome and their kisses .
Technoblade looked angry while he was detailing their kisses and interactions , which made him feel giddy , maybe he was jealous , that'd be everything for him .
He also detailed their pretend dates , but he didn't call them that , too embarrassed to admit it , Techno got the hint after he asked him to repeat himself a second time and left him alone .

Once they got home they found their neighbors moving in .
Two girls , a tall brunette and a smaller black haired girl . They where currently taking boxes inside the house as a labrador puppy circled them exitedly .
The blonde puppy noticed the men standing outside their garden and ran up to them .

"Noctis , come back boy!" The taller girl shouted , running after the puppy .

Techno chuckled and picked up the puppy , immediately getting attacked with sloppy puppy kisses .
He looked so natural holding the dog , they really needed a pet .

"I am so sorry" the girl apologized as she took the puppy , Noctis , back , her housemate walking up to them with a amused grin .

"It's no big deal" Techno said , stiffening as soon as the dog left him arms .
(Y/n) was still processing everything and all he could do was nod and give them a shy smile.

The girls talked a little more with Techno before (Y/n) decided to leave , entering the nhouse and running to hide inside his room .
He considered going to Dream's house , but guilt stopped him .
He couldn't just leave Techno like that again .

He opted for opening Twitter , immediately regretting it as well , life really hate him .

The first thing he saw was a Stan account talking about a fanfic , a (Y/)blade fanfic .

✨PRETTY✨ @ pretty_little_bug

Bro I swear, how do people hate on Fractured Lungs??
Sure , it's a little graphic but it's such a great fanfic , imo (Y/n) seems like the type to casually make out with someone.
Techno is also in character and I love the stupid tension between them .

You should read it, it's great .

Was he really going to do it? Curiosity was screaming at him to do it , but he the fact that it was 'a little explicit' scared him . Not that he minded , he found smut fanfics funny , but it was about him an the man he was in love with .

"Fuck it , I'm already knees deep into this" .
He ran a hand trough his (h/c) looks before clicking on the link , letting out a heavy sigh .

(Y/n) sat in his and Techno's shared living room , the previously mentioned was sitting in his lap , mouth connected with (Y/n)'s neck as the cold air made it's way in , hitting their naked chests .

(Y/n) pulled Techno closer , wanting his warmth-

"Stop disappearing please" (Y/n) let his phone fall from his hand , hearing a loud thud as it hit the ground , startled .
His face felt hot and he didn't doubt that he looked like a mess as well , he wasn't expecting Techno to just come in without knocking , he also didn't expect to be reading a (Y/)blade fic but things happen .

"Yeah , sorry ... You looked entrained with them" he looked away , still feeling embarrassed .

He couldn't catch a break could he?

"They're interesting , and their dog is cute "

"Do you want a dog?" He was surprised by his ability to just carry on with the conversation while he was drowning inside all his confusing emotions .
He began to grow angry at himself .

"I just miss floof , you wanted a cat right?" Techno looked up , thinking .

"Yeah , a sphinx ... Are they?"

"They're lesbian yeah , that's the only reason I actually listened to what they had to say " (Y/n) laughed after what felt like weeks .

Maybe everything would work out , and he could take his time to figure out what he wanted and see shore from his deep sea of emotions .



This is filler since my internet is unstable, yes .

Look at me shamelessly putting Mama and her gf and son into the story .

Love ya.


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