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(Y/n) felt a heavy hand rest on his cheek , softly tracing his jawline .
He opened his (e/c) eyes slowly , afraid the caring touch would leave . But it didn't .

He found Technoblade bent over him , eyes filled with love and caring affection .
Somehow it felt right , so right .

The man smiled softly , seeing him awake and muttered something (Y/n) couldn't quit hear or understand , his mind still foggy with sleep .
The pale man leaned down to kiss him , chapped lips joining (l/t)(lip texture) lips in a loving and carefree dance .
(Y/n) felt the sheets that covered his body being removed slowly .

He gasped when a cold hand made it's way to his leg , softly rubbing circles on it , Techno tooked that opportunity and incremented the intimacy of the kiss .
The tone in the room shifted suddenly , becoming more private .

He was pushed down onto the bed again by strong hands .
Who's bed is this?
The thought left his head as soon as it entered as Technoblade pulled away from the kiss .

"I need you to stay very quiet sweetheart , your friend's family is around " the (taller/smaller/other) man hid his face on the crook of (Y/n)'s neck "wouldn't want them to know how we love each other" and with those dangerous words Techno started leaving kisses on the man's (s/c) skin , drawing a gasp from (Y/n)'s lips , hands traveling up .

It was so overwhelmingly sweet a dangerous at the same time , excitement and what could be interpreted a guilt pooled on (Y/n) stomach .

Doing this on his friend's house?

With someone he wasn't in love with ?

He wasn't in love with Technoblade .

Suddenly he jolted awake , breathing heavily and face burning like boiling water .
That was a dangerous dream , they others where relatively tame compared to that one .
Things got really weird , really fast .

"Are you okay?" Dream's worried voice found it's way in on (Y/n)'s brain , that was being bombarded with questions he couldn't answer and warnings he already saw .

He looked to his side , his friend was still in his pajamas , worry written all over his face . He seemed startled , like he was shaken up from (Y/n) sudden reconnection to the real world .

"I'm okay , just a weird dream" he offered , smiling apologetically to the blonde .
Dream seemed to understand and shoot him a warning glance before turning back to face the door .

(Y/n)'s heart dropped , standing there was Technoblade , looking handsome as ever .
There he was , looking confused at the two men on the small bed , completely unaware of the scenario (Y/n)'s head had come up with .

Flashes of his love coated eyes and chapped lips made their way into the man's brain , wrapping around his thoughts like snakes .
Memories of his muffled voice as he whispered on his neck ringing in his ears .
It all made his hairs stand up .

"Is everything alright?" .
Curse him , and curse his mother for giving birth to this horrid human being , who seemed to be destined to destroy him in every way possible .
And curse his raspy voice , curse how it made (Y/n)'s heart beat faster .
Curse Wilbur Soot for suggesting the idea of living together .
How was he supposed to be around the man everyday with all those weird thoughts if he could barely handle it being hidden on Dream's bed sheets?.

"Yeah , everything's alright big man , thanks for the concern " the only thing he thanked his parents for was the teaching how to act natural while lying , that and letting him get into theater .

Techno made a weird face , the man was hard enough to read with his monotone voice why couldn't he make normal facial expressions ? . And (Y/n) worried he might've done something weird, like popping a boner or some shit , that'd be truly horrible and he'd jump off Dream's window .
Thankfully he didn't and it was just Techno being weird .

"Ah ... Your mom said breakfast is ready " he informed , lowering his head goodbye and closing the door behind him .

When they where sure Technoblade had walked away Dream threw his arms around (Y/n) , trying to calm down the man who was breaking into small pieces of strings of curses and mumbling .

"You're alright , it was a dream" the blonde comforted him , rubbing his back .
"Do you want to tell me what happened ?" .

(Y/n) glanced at the door before speaking "he kissed me"

"You said it happened before?"

"Bit it was different!" The (h/c) haired man whined "it was more ... Intimate , i would've felt embarrassed if I walked in on someone like that " .

Dream let out and understanding hum and let the man speak .

"He ...He pushed me into the bed and told me to be quiet" Dream tightened his arms around him and (Y/n) realized he could've worded that better .
"Not like that! He said ..." He tried to remember dream Technoblade's exact words that squirmed around not wanting to be catched , like a worm " i don't remember , and I don't want to remember , but it was something about being quiet so we wouldn't get caught " .

The blonde man raised an eyebrow , now truly understanding what (Y/n) meant with 'weird dream' .

"Don't look at me like that!"

"You just had a wet dre-"

"No!" He hissed , squirming away from the other man's grip .

"Okay , okay , I'm sorry " Dream apologized , raising his hands in signal of peace "i won't tease you about it , must be really uncomfortable for you already"

(Y/n) glared at him before scooting closer again .

"I woke up before anything else went down " he sighed , trying to figure out what to do with the dreams .

He couldn't cancel the living together plans , they've already payed the house and sent all their stuff over to Florida .
But could he really live with the guilt of having weird dreams about the other man? .

He could .

Perhaps it was only a temporary thing , being touched starved and exited to move in with Techno might've mixed together in his head , surely they wouldn't plague his mind over he got accustomed to living with Techno .

He sighed , looking at his friend in the eyes .
"No one can know about it , yeah?"
Dream nodded , getting up from the bed "it's staying right here " the blonde winked at him and the other rolled his eyes playfully , calmer than before .

Unbeknownst to them , on the other side of the door stood a man , pink dust spreading on his cheeks .

He knew he shouldn't listen t other people's conversations , but he was so curious about whatever had woken up the (h/c) haired man so abruptly .
He would've never guessed it was something so ... Odd .

He really shouldn't get involved , but he wanted to know the man who could shake (Y/n) to his core like that .



My brain is fried .
This was supposed to end at chapter 25 , but by the looks of it is going to be longer than that .
Don't expect much for me just yet .

It is 6:55 am over here and I haven't slept at all , sorry if this chapter is somewhat disperse .
I had to comfort Cat , they where trying to write a cute book but Wattpad decided to be a jerk .

I'm too tired to proof read it , so please point out anything odd .

Lmao , love you all

𝐓𝐎 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐀 𝐆𝐎𝐃 || Technoblade x male reader ||Where stories live. Discover now