Little Wounds

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(Y/n) answered Techno's call , they texted for a bit , Techno trying to get answers and (Y/n) panicking . George suggested that they got on call , so he could speak if (Y/n) couldn't .
The (h/c) haired man was really grateful for all his friends , Sapnap also offered to join the call and help , only backing out when George mentioned how socially anxious Techno was .

"Hey" his voice was small and fragile , ready to break if Techno needed him to .

"Are you okay?" Those where Technoblade's first words .
No 'why are you there?' or 'why did you leave me?' .
And his tone was decorated with ribbons of concern .

"I'm okay , you?" His brain was in autopilot , small talk pilot .

"I'll be fine , you left so suddenly , did something happen?" Alarms went off in his brain but he couldn't comprehend them , Techno's voice was too mesmerising and he had just come to terms with his feelings .


"Yeah? What happened?" He made Technoblade worry , the all mighty Techno was worried about him .

"It's nothing serious ..." He trailed off , dragging the s , and looked at George for guidance .
The brunette motioned to himself , i needed to see George .

"I just wanted to see George" the line felt silent for a few seconds .

"You're impulsive " he smiled , the pretty concern decorations where gone but his voice was never dull .

Then he snapped back to reality , he left his socially anxious roommate alone in a state he didn't knew because of a stupid panic attack .

What the fuck was wrong with him?

What the fuck (Y/n)

"I'm so so sorry for leaving you alone like that , i didn't even tell you I was heading out , I'll be back as soon as I can , fuck , I don't even know what was going through my mind at that moment " he tripped over his words .
He did know , his mind was fixated in his beating heart and the fact that George had helped before .
Also Techno , but that was a given .

"Yeah it's... It's fine , just promise you'll come back i can't maintain the house on my own " Techno's voice was back to his normal speaking speed , almost slower , and he sounded hurt , and it pained him to think that it might have to do with himself .

"I'll be back , i swear" and with that they said their goodbyes and ended the call , much to his brain's comfort and his heart's protests .

"You did amazing well" George praised him and he felt shiver rub down his spine , letting himself be held up by the brit's shoulder .

"I am dying internally , it's too graphic to be externally " he said , appreciating the arms that wrapped themselves around him , holding him protectively .

"You always do so well when you're with him , but crumble down when you're alone " George rubbed circles on his back , it was a small habit the brit picked up a few years back .

"Believe me , if you weren't here I'd be on the floor crying ... Maybe I'm exaggerating , if we hadn't have that talk a few hours ago i would be on the floor crying " .

"I don't think kissing counts as talking (Y/n) , at least not in this side of the globe" George was always so confident behind the cameras, not too confident but just the right amount to make you feel safe around him , most of it was thanks to his boyfriend , there was a time when George was a cocky , hyperactive and narcissistic idiot , but thanks to his friends , mostly Dream , he got the help he needed. Sometimes his old spark would shine through , but it was always kept for private times .

𝐓𝐎 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐀 𝐆𝐎𝐃 || Technoblade x male reader ||Where stories live. Discover now