Sleepless Touch

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They where just two idiots at the end of the day , one dummer than the other , not kings nor God's . No one expected them to know what to do all the time .
Love was confusing and scary , but maybe , just maybe , it was worth it .

(Y/n) dreamed , or rather had nightmares , about his ex boyfriend . Normally those dreams would scare him and send him into panic attacks , but not anymore . He knew that two doors away was a man that would have no problem in holding him while he cried , he didn't anymore , not for that bastard , but if it did happen he would have someone to help him .

It was rare for them the find each other in the night unless it was a dinner , but the night after the kitten became a promise they found themselves at 3 am on their living room .
None of them said anything for 30 minutes , still aware of each other's presence . (Y/n) danced around the idea of talking with the man that stood behind him , behind the couch , and he decided against it every time the question popped up in his head .
His sleep deprived mind became blurrier by the second and answering his needs became a painful thing , so he gave in .

"It's late" he whispered , still not looking at the (taller/smaller/other) male .

"I'm aware ... What are you doing here?" Techno replied , silently making his way into the couch besides him .

"The same thing as you"

"I was looking at you , i don't think you can do that without a mirror honey bunny " (Y/n) saw Techno close his eyes and relax besides him .

"I thought you were just thinking" he turned to look at him , his eyes heavy with sleep .

"I was"

(Y/n) felt the end of his lips curving up into a small smile , too tired to grin .

"I was thinking about you" he admitted , his sleep deprived mind blurring the lines between his heart's desires and his rational mind .

"So was I" The pale man opened one of his eyes , taking in the view of his roommate . He hadn't streamed that day , so he was able to take a nap and falling asleep was proving to be difficult , (Y/n) on the other hand didn't have that luck.

The (s/c)'s male (e/c) irises where barely visible under his eyelashes , his (h/c) hair was a mess , locks curling in all directions and getting tangled on themselves .
His expression made it clear that he just wanted to sleep .
He had decided to wear a purple shirt to bed , Techno couldn't see what he had for pants as the man was sitting in a rather uncomfortable position with his legs tucked to the side .
He looked like a handsome mess .

(Y/n)'s tired mind barely processed Techno's words , forcing him to widen his smile .

"Well , i was thinking about how cute you'd look in my maid outfit" he was satisfied with the crimson blush that covered Techno's cheeks after .

"In your dreams"

"In my dreams indeed"

The pale man choked out a laugh , and (Y/n) decided he was beautiful like that as well .

"I like this you" Techno said when he managed to catch his breath again.

"You like me when I'm sleep deprived?" (Y/n) scooted closer to Techno , making sure to not touch the man in the dark .

"I like you when you're honest " Techno mimicked his actions , making their knees touch .

Sparks traveled up (Y/n)'s body from where their knees met , inviting his heart to dance a rapid ballad with the nervousness that took control of his body .

"There are so many things I'm keeping myself from saying " his voice went barely over a whispering tone as he studied Techno's face .
His roommate was still relaxing with his back pressed to the couch backrest , his greek god-like face offered a careless grin , his brown hair curling carefully around his face , sitting prettily besides his eyes .

"You don't need to tell me things to be honest" Techno changed his position , now laying against the armrest , his legs on either side of (Y/n) .
Suddenly long fingers took a hold of his shoulder , pulling him into Techno's chest .
He managed to look to the side just in time to save his nose to be squeezed . After the hand let go of his shoulder and travelled to his back (Y/n) started to get comfortable , careful not to hurt Techno on the process .

He took his time to let his brain realized that he was in fact laying on Technoblade's chest , the man he had a crush on .
The he felt his cheeks start burning and his heart abandoned the organized rapid dance for a panicked and lonely waltz .

He nuzzled his face into Techno's chest , shivering when the man's chest vibrated with laughter .

"Are you comfortable?"

"Shut up"

Techno laughed again , rubbing circles on (Y/n)'s back .

"We should talk like this more" they both stared into the darkness , enjoying each other's warmth .

"We should " (Y/n) yawned for the fifth time, relaxing on Techno's arms .

"Tell me more things"

The (h/c) haired man thought for a second , humming softly .
His brain scrolling through different topics .

"I was thinking about platypuses "

Techno hummed to let him know he was listening , letting the man go off about how complicated that animal's life was , both of them slowly drifting to sleep .


The birds chirped happily as the sun light came through their curtains .

Both men slept happily , holding each other close .

The lights shifted as a soft breeze made it's way into the house , touching (Y/n)'s eyes .

The (s/c) man opened his eyes , quickly shutting them again when the sunlight burned his eyes .
He tried to run his eyes with his left hand , but something was pressing his arm down , so he opted for using his right hand.
Once he was sure the sun wouldn't hurt his eyes he opened them slowly , his mind reminding him he had to meet up with Dream to wait for Sapnap .

His (e/c) eyes scanned the oddly unfamiliar room .
He had slept in the living room , but nothing hurt .
He looked up and his mind started panicking when he saw Technoblade , sleeping soundly under him .
He felt his cheeks heat up and the corner of his lips curled up in a shy smile , his roommate looked content holding him in his sleep .

He cloud be happy with this , being loved softly , as a friend .
But he wasn't , he really wasn't .
He knew he shouldn't be selfish , he didn't deserve anything more than what Techno was giving him , but he couldn't help but wonder how would it feel to be called his boyfriend .

But for now , he figured he could sleep in a few more minutes .



Haha , road trip go brrr.
I seriously like the song tf-

Anyway , short chapter again , i don't want to overworked myself ^^

Love you

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