Until Death Do Us Apart

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(Y/n) was currently playing on the dream smp , taking care of a devastated Jschlatt as the man cried about his husband leaving him and refused to clean after himself , or himself even .

After the festival Schlatt had lost everyone he trusted , Tubbo and Quackity .

'good for Quackity' he thought , he had seen everything that happened behind closed doors and the relationship was toxic to say the least .
Still , he swore loyalty to Jschlatt and he was a man of word .

"(Y/n) ! Come here and drink with me" he heard Jschlatt call out from his bedroom -(Y/n) became a resident in Schlatt's house when the fights between the old man and his husband escalated to physical-

"Sir , i don't think that would be professional of me " he simply replied , getting up from the couch to make himself some (Coffee/Tea)

"It's an order" (Y/n) sighed and left his beverage on the kitchen counter , walking to the goat man's room .

The only light in the room was coming from a nightlight , placed in the middle of the floor -in front of Schlatt -
The man in question was setting cross-legged on the floor , a bottle of wine in his hand , and seven of beer empty besides him .

"Come sit with me " Schlatt signaled him to come over , and (Y/n) obeyed .

"What do you need sir?" The (h/c) haired man asked once he sat down .

"I need company"

There was a minute of silence while Schlatt poured himself another glass of wine . (Y/n) would've said something , he had so many things to say to him , but he knew Schlatt well enough to know he wasn't finished .

"You know , i used to do this with Quackity a lot" the goat man brought the glass to his lips , arms shaking ever so slightly . The red wine complemented his eyes , shining so beautifully , so deadly .

"I'd pour some vodka and we'd share the same glass like a love sick couple" his red eyes shifted to the pictures carelessly hanging in the wall , as if mocking the devastated man under them , various where of their wedding and a few of them and George  .

"Then I'd make him my husband once again" he sounded very sad , but (Y/n) knew it wasn't because of loosing Quackity , it was never about the people and always about what they could give him , and Quackity gave him the 'perfect husband' status .

"I need that type of company " the sickly looking man turned to look at him , making (Y/n) panic . There was a bunch of emotions going through Schlatt's eyes and the ones that scared him the most where lust and determination , a very bad combination coming from Schlatt .

"You're going to be my husband"

"Sir i-" he tried to speak , even if it didn't help he wanted to oppose .

"It's an order"

And (Y/n) obeyed .

The next day they went to Sam to get the paperwork done , who was confused to say the least .
The creeper man looked at him with sad eyes a few time during the ceremony .

Since none of them had anyone but themselves in the server the ceremony went by pretty quickly .

(Y/n) would be lying if he said he wasn't scared of whatever had to happen next .

"My love" Schlatt's tone was filled with poisonous love and ugly affection , the goat man knew he had made one of his best plays yet .
Marrying the untameable beast that was (Y/n) assured him victory and forced the other male to give him his life in it's entirety .
Forcing a smile on his face (Y/n) walked back home besides the ugly hearted man .

The only good thing that could come out of this was (Y/n) assuming the charge of president if Schlatt died . But the man was in perfect shape , despite his old age and multiple illnesses .
He had weekly heart attacks but came out unharmed put of every single one , If only (Y/n) could kick his heart attacks to be stronger ...

He hated the man , like everyone who has ever met him .
He was arrogant , a narcissist , violent and unapologetically nasty .
At first (Y/n) saw him as the perfect change everyone needed , but after a while of working under him -picking up dead Tubbos and chopping them to make 'food for Fundy'- he realized he had made a terrible mistake . Under that heavenly smile and fair work ethic hides a monstrous desire to make everything and everyone his .
He would need a miracle to mentally survive being married to the nasty man for more than one month .


Everyone else was sitting in the Pogtopia cave when they heard the news .
Dream had come rushing through the stairs and yelled out in total panic about one of his best friends marrying Schlatt .

Everyone was disgusted by the mental image of the (h/c) haired man marrying the dead looking narcissistic old man , Techno especially .

None of them had ever seen Dream that panicked before , the blonde tended to act calm no matter the situation , but they supposed there was a good reason to be panicking .

(Y/n) was a strong and loyal player , motivated by close bonds with people,  and Schlatt knew that well . Technoblade sighed , the old man was very smart , now there was no way (Y/n) would bettray him .

"What are we going to do?" Asked Tommy , holding Tubbo by the waist , who looked like a was going to vomit at any given moment .

Wilbur paced through the cave , avoiding the buttons  under his feet .

Techno moved aside , closer to Dream who was still breathing heavily .

"I've never seen you so ... Expressive before" The pink haired man said , turning his head slightly so Dream knew he was talking to him .

"It's (Y/n) Techno , my (Y/n) " te blonde replied , lifting his mask to wipe the sweat from his forehead " if anything happens to my boys I'll die" .

Techno figured 'his boys' where George , Sapnap and (Y/n) , perhaps only George and (Y/n) since he didn't show much romantic affection towards Sapnap .

"Gentleman , and Niki , we need to act soon " Wilbur said , taking Techno's attention again.
Niki had taken Tommy's place , holding up Tubbo , as the blonde stood besides Wilbur .

"When would that be?" Fundy asked , sitting down on one of the many chests .

"As soon as possible , we need to act before Schlatt corrupts (Y/n)'s brain , if that happens we will be dealing with a new and more dangerous beast .

"Are we going to kill Schlatt ?" Tommy asked .

"That's the plan" a deadly smile made it's way into Wilbur's face as everyone else cheered .

Techno looked to his side , expecting Dream to intervene , the blonde had expressed his distaste with the idea of killing Jschlatt , but the masked man was no where to be seen .
It send shivers down Technoblade's spine , something wasn't right.

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