spontaneous and unreasonable

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(Y/n) picked up his phone that kept bussing with notifications .
His smile grew wider when he say they where all messages from Techno .

Since the stream with the sleepy boys inc they had been texting more .

The messages where indirect replies to whatever he was talking about with Niki and Eret while they streamed .

"NIKI!" Wilbur shouted , joining the call suddenly .
Eret let out a little startled squeak and (Y/n) flinched at the volume of the man's voice .

"Hello Wilbur" Niki replied cheerfully , apparently used to Wilbur shouting .

"Oh , hello Eret and (Y/n)" the man said after noticing he wasn't alone with Niki on the call .

"Hey ... Wilbur" Eret greeted carefully while (Y/n) let out a simple 'hi' before responding to Techno's messages .

"How's everyone doing?, How's chat doing?" Wilbur continued cheerfully .

"When are doing good man!" Eret replied , leaving his cautiousness behind .

Wilbur and Niki talked about some musical stuff while Eret added some thoughts from time to time . (Y/n) however was completely absorbed in his chat with Techno , frowning while the other male talked about how 'every odd number has the letter e in it besides 30 and 50' .
How was he supposed to tell him 30 and 50 where even when he was explaining things with such passion ?.

"(Y/n)? Are you there?" Niki called out softly , bringing the (h/c) haired man back from his thoughts .

"Oh yeah , I'm here ... Sorry" he replied , feeling a little gulty since Niki had been kind enough to let him hang around while she streamed .

"If you're tired you should sleep a little" Eret chimed in .

"Not tired ... I was just texting someone "

"Ooo , can we ask who?" Eret said in a suggestive tone . (Y/n) roles his eyes .

"It's not interesting really , it's just Techno "

"You can just hear Techno's ego deflating " Wilbur choked out before laughing , Niki joined him much more quietly .

"Why Techno though? , I thought you two didn't talk much " Niki asked once she stopped laughing .

"Honestly? I just needed some human interaction and he took pity on me" (Y/n) replied , knowing full well it was a half truth .

"Some human interaction?" Eret questioned .

"It's not that you aren't enough! I just miss being face to face with people , and Technoblade seems to be up at ungodly hours ..." He answered , the smile on his face dropped into something more sad and nostalgic even .

"It dosen't sound like you're having a good time"

(Y/n) chuckled lightly "it's driving me up the walls " he said .

"You should try to get a roommate or something like that" Niki suggested before muting herself , probably to talk to his chat .

"You know... Techno said something about moving out as well . Maybe you could..." Wilbur started .

The (s/c) male let out a cackle .
"All he has to do is Text me and maybe I'll consider" while it came out way more serious than what he intended , he could roll with it .

Not a few minutes later his phone bussed again .

I'm a bit lonely myself .


"Maybe we could meet up and decide on something ? Look for places?" (Y/n) said while he took a bite of the pizza he had ordered to celebrate .

𝐓𝐎 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐀 𝐆𝐎𝐃 || Technoblade x male reader ||Where stories live. Discover now