Hotel bath water

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TW: glass bathroom (apparently it is)

Friday had finally come .
Everything had been a blur up until he got into the plane .
As soon as he sat down it all sinked in.

"Oh God" he said .

He really was  flying out to meet Technoblade .
He really was going to pick out a place to live in with him .

His heart was pounding , he wasn't sure if it was because he was going to meet up with Technoblade or because he was going to be choosing a new place where he would spent a long period of his life .
But it didn't matter , he needed to make it shut up .

(Y/n) sighed and ran a hand trough his hair , looking out the window and closing his eyes .


I landed
Where are you?

Just outside .
Wait I see you

(Y/n) snapped his face back up , looking around for the man .
People where flooding in and out of the doors , he could barely see anything .


"MOTHER FUCKER" (Y/n) yelled when he felt a hand rest on his shoulder , heavy and unsure .
"Jesus christ dude , you scared me" he said , turning around to see a startled Techno .


He was very different in person . Sure , he had seen his face before , but he never imagined he would look so different.
His camera graphics didn't do him justice .

"Sorry" the other man mumbled an apology before shaking his head and look (up/down/forward) at (Y/n) .

"It's good to finally see you in person" he extended his hand .

(Y/n) raised an eyebrow but took his hand anyway , expecting a handshake . Instead he was pulled into a hug .
It didn't last long , but it was a hug non the less .

Techno pulled away and left his heart and mind very confused , thinking quickly (Y/n) covered his surprise with a cocky smile .

"We should get going"

"How far is the hotel? Do you think we can walk there?"

"You want to walk ?" Technoblade asked , seeming surprised.

"Yeah , what about it?" (Y/n) looked down and grabbed his suitcase . He was startled to be met with a glare when he looked back up. 

"I waited three hours for you , I'm not walking all the way there " the other man said.

Three hours? How patient was this man? .
He would've left at the one hour mark.

"Yeah , fair enough"

"Come on , let's get a taxi or something" the other male said , grabbing his , much smaller , suitcase and walking outside .

(Y/n) gave himself a second to assimilate the situation . He really was here , in Florida , picking out a house for the two of them .
With a goofy grin he followed Techno outside .


"Oh this is ... This is horrible" Techno exclaimed , looking directly at the glass walls of the bathroom .

𝐓𝐎 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐀 𝐆𝐎𝐃 || Technoblade x male reader ||Where stories live. Discover now