Warm Movies

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Sapnap passed out as soon as he hit the pillow , he looked tired as hell .

Dream and (Y/n) decided to set up his computer for him , bringing all the boxes inside the house as well .
Well , (Y/n) set up the computer and Dream decided to just sit at the end of the bed , admiring the sleeping man .
(Y/n) knew they had been waiting to meet each other for years , so he decided not to interrupt the intimate bubble Dream created for himself .
They talk each other in whispers and keep the lights off to not disturb the Texan , which meant (Y/n) had to pull out his phone to set up the computer .

"Stop staring at him , it's getting creepy" the (h/c) haired man said , letting himself fall onto the floor , groaning happily as he felt his back stretch .

"How's it creepy?" The blonde barely glanced at his friend before focusing on Sapnap again .

"Just kiss him if you want to" he chuckled , rolling on himself to too at his friend .

"What?" The blonde said , not bewildered or weirded out.

"You know George is okay with it , and I'm sure Big Q and Karl don't have a problem with it" he said nonchalantly .

The blonde moved his head from side to side , considering the idea .
After a solid minute after he leaned down carefully and planted a kiss on Sapnap's forehead.
Just as his lips left the Texan's forehead the man's eyes slowly fluttered open , a small smile forming on his face .

"Hello" Sapnap's voice came out groggy but energetic .

"Hello Sappy" (Y/n) replied , still on the floor , once he saw Dream was too busy smiling to answer back .

"Ah , You set up my computer for me dude! Thanks " the Texan sat up  quickly and gave (Y/n) a grateful look .
The (h/c) haired man shrugged , saying it was no big deal , and got off the floor .

He gave his friend an actual hug , they also shared a small kiss .
Dream pulled the man into a bear hug after he was released from (Y/n)'s arms .
They all laughed and casually talked like they did on discord , with the bonus of being able to hold each other while they discussed the pros and cons of George moving in as well .
They talked until Sapnap's stomach started growling.
They all giggle at that .

"Do you want me to order something? I don't feel like giving you food poisoning " Dream joked , carefully elbowing Sapnap on the side .

"Yeah , that sounds like a plan" the Texan completely ignored the hit and leaned against the blonde .

(Y/n) smiled at them and got up from the bed they had been sitting on for hours .

"I should get going , i promised Techno i wouldn't run away again " .

His friends gave him a sad smile .

"Tell him you're staying a little longer , please " Sapnap whined like a little kid , giving him puppy eyes as well .
Dream weezed and joined in , pouting all the while .

The (s/c) man shaked his head , pulling out his phone .
He already was planning on asking Techno if he'd be okay with having dinner alone that day , he'd make up for it by taking him out to dinner sometime soon .
Sent a quick message to Techno , who replied right away , assuring him that there was nothing wrong with spending time with his friends .

"And ?" Sapnap tugged on his shoulder , trying to see the conversation on his friend's phone .

"Ow , watch it dude" he hissed , shoving his shoulder back , making Sapnap let go of his shoulder "he said yes , calm down" .

"This is so dumb " Dream chuckled , tearing the the phone away from (Y/n)'s hand and looking through the messages , the (taller/smaller/other) male huffed and tried to take the phone back , only to be shoved into the bed by Sapnap , who made his way besides Dream to look at the conversation as well .
"You're not a kid anymore , you shouldn't have to ask to stay"

"Give it back" he shoved the blonde into the bed playfully " i do what I want , green boy" the three laughed again and (Y/n) got his phone back .

They all agreed on some pizza .

Sapnap and (Y/n) moved to the couch and cuddled while Dream made the call , scrolling through netflix .

"I think we should watch cars " (Y/n) said , voice slightly muffled by Sapnap's arm that rested just above his bottom lip .
The room was warm and cozy , the lights where off and the blue light of the tv shined almost blindingly .

"No way dude , i want to watch Haikyuu " Sapnap nuzzled against (h/c) looks with a dumb grin.

"I want to watch a movie Sappy" the older replied , squeaking when the younger jabbed a finger in his stomach .

"You're no fun"

"Why are you two arguing now?" Dream made his way around the corner , his crooked grin decorating his slightly freckled face from standing in the sun while moving the boxes in .

"(Y/n) dosen't want to watch the anime i want" Sapnap whined , shoving his arm up to muffle the other's voice .

(Y/n) bit the Texan's arm , making him squeal .

"Sapnap wants me to get invested in a anime i wouldn't be able to finish" he whined as well .

Dream chuckled and made his way up to the couch , settling on Sapnap's free side .

"And that's why I'm the one choosing what we're going to watch " the blonde declared , taking the remote control away from the other two , who squeaked out in pretest , only making their friend smile more .

They ended up watching Bambi and Frozen 2 , ordering another pizza when they finished the first one midway trough Bambi .
He commented to them before they started watching  Frozen that he would be needing a ride to New York on Friday , since he didn't want his kitten to get stressed in a plane .
They both agreed to take him there .

It was about 12 pm when (Y/n) left a half awake Sapnap and a sleeping Dream tangled on each other .



Quick chapter before my trip!
I'm not sure I'll be able to post any chapters the next week , but we'll see .

Love you

𝐓𝐎 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐀 𝐆𝐎𝐃 || Technoblade x male reader ||Where stories live. Discover now