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They arrived at their house at 5 am, the sun was still hidden and the air was cold .
(Y/n) parked just outside their house and practically dragged Sapnap out the car , Dream had woken up before they entered the state and just stared out the window .

Sapnap was too tired to drive and Dream complained that his arms and legs felt weird , so (Y/n) offered them the guest room , but they where now refusing to sleep together in , and they also didn't want the couch .

"C'mon , it's not that big of a deal " the (h/c) haired man said , covering his mouth to not yawn , holding a very sleepy jinx .

"I wouldn't mind , but i want a bed for myself" Sapnap complained , slurring his words .

"Then one of you will have to sleep on the couch" .

Both men looked at each other before starting a slurred argument on who should sleep on the couch .

Techno looked at them very uninterested , he had been in a suit for more than 24 hours and wanted nothing but to sleep .

"One of you can sleep in my room , I'll sleep on the couch" the white man said , crossing his arm over his chest .

"Wha- , you're not sleeping in the couch , this is your house" Dream protested , he was more awake than any of the other men in the room .

"It's fine I'll sleep with (Y/n)" Techno replied .

The (h/c) haired man nodded absently while petting the kitten in his arms .
He wasn't actually listening but he trusted Techno .

"I'll take the guest room" Sapnap declared , walking away .
(Y/n) considered showing him where the guest room was , but decided against it when Dream followed the Texan .

"Let's go to sleep" Techno whined , dragging (Y/n) towards his bedroom .

They reached the door and Techno opened it . They left the room dark on purpose .

The (h/c) haired man dropped on the bed as fast as he could , letting Jinx go. He was incredibly tired but incredibly happy .

On the way back from the gas station Techno had his hand on his thigh while he rambled about whiter farming .
He was struggling to take in the fact that they kissed , they didn't talk about it , but they kissed . It was really unexpected , but he was grateful , he was getting a little tired of pretending not to be in love with his housemate .

Techno unbuttoned his dress shirt as fast as he could , his tie long forgotten in the car , and sighed when the cold air inside the room his his chest .
The brunette ran a hand through his hair before dropping besides (Y/n) with a loud thud , careful not to hurt the wandering kitten on the bed .

"Man , that sure was a long drive " Techno sighed .

(Y/n) hummed and closed his eyes , too tired to reply .

The brunette smiled , content , and curled onto (Y/n)'s side .
Just before he fell asleep Jinx climbed on top of him and made herself comfortable in between the two men .

(Y/n) felt like he had only slept for a minute when he heard a small meow .
He opened his (e/c) eyes to a grumpy looking Jinx , the kitten was smelling his nose and meowing loudly to get his attention .

"What is it little girl?" He tried reaching out for her , but his arm was stuck under something , or someone rather .
Only then (Y/n) became aware of the body laying on top of him .
Techno was sleeping soundly , his head on (Y/n)'s chest.
His face heat up when he noticed the lack of a shirt on the man , he was even more pale on his back , a few scars , acne scars he assumed ,  adorned his shoulders .

"Are you just going to stare at me?"

The (s/c) skinned man cliched , startled by Techno's deep morning voice , causing Jinx to jump of the bed , even more annoyed that she was being ignored.

"Sorry" he said , looking away embarrassed .

"You can stare , i don't mind" the pale man lifted himself from his chest , stretching his arms on the process .

"I didn't notice when you got over me " (Y/n) also used the opportunity to stretch his right arm that had gone slightly numb .

" I thought it was appropriate since we're ..." He trailed off and looked down at (Y/n) "what are we?"

They both cringed at the childish wording .

"I did confessed two times my love for you" (Y/n) replied , putting emphasis on did .
Techno smiled sheepishly .

"Right , huh ..." He tried to make himself look a bit presentable by fixing his hair , which only made it more messy and (Y/n) found it cute "i love you too" .

The words felt foreign out of Techno's mouth , but sweet enough to kill man .
They locked eyes for a brief moment before Techno leaned down to plant a kiss on (Y/n)'s lips , the (s/c) skinned man gently put a hand behind Techno's head , making the kiss slightly deeper , not as deep as their kisses at the gas station , but deep and sweet like honey .
The kiss didn't last long , but both of them where satisfied .

"I guess we're lovers " Techno said , looking away , pretty pink dust on his cheeks .

"Sounds about right " being sappy like that with someone was something new , a bit awkward , but it made him insanely happy .



Sorry for las chapter-
I was angry about the 0/4 and i needed to take it out somehow .

This chapter was longer but i didn't finish it in time do i cut it off .
Sorry it's a bit short.

Also , have you guys seen Hog Hunt? It's amazing .

Love y'all

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