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(Y/n) rested his head on Techno's shoulder while they waited for Dream to arrive as they sat in front of the hotel door .
He heard Techno complaining to someone before they left about not being told about the glass bathroom .

They where flying back home today .

The air was heavy with traces of last night's rain , storm clouds refusing to leave the sky .
The streets where full of cars and worried looking people .
And yet , the sound of cars and birds where distant to (Y/n) .

The (h/c) haired man was lost in his thoughts , he finally managed to find some face to face interactions and now it was slowly being taken away from his hands , even if it was just for two weeks .
And he couldn't do anything about it .

He wasn't happy at all .

"Hey Techno"

Technoblade tilted his head to let him know he was listening .

"I'm going to miss you"

That got a chuckle of the (taller/other/smaller) man .
He didn't mean to be clingy to someone he formally met three months ago , but he also wanted desperately to be beside someone , and the closest thing he had was Technoblade.

"It's only two weeks"

Techno's voice was soft , despite trying to make fun of (Y/n) . Perhaps he was also a little bit attached .

"I can miss you in two weeks"

Technoblade chuckled and laid down his head on (Y/n)'s .

The (h/c) haired man smiled , feeling protected and a familiar warmth in his heart re appear .
He took the time to notice how Techno's hair was softer than it looked , and his shoulders where oddly comfortable , he could even fall asleep like this .

A few minutes later , Dream showed up .
Techno immediately lifted his head  ,and (Y/n) could feel he was a lot more tense than before .

Dream however didn't seem to notice the uncomfortable look in Techno's face , or if he did he decided to ignore it .

"(Y/n)! Techno!" The blonde greeted with his signature slightly crooked smile. Despite sounding really happy to see them again , (Y/n) could see he wasn't all that happy .

"Ready to leave? , There's a bit of traffic so might have to get going"

(Y/n) lifted his head from Techno's shoulder and nodded .

"Yeah , we should "

Techno was the first to get up .

They all got in the car , Techno and (Y/n) in the back , without saying much .

"so , how are you two feeling right now?" Dream asked after a few seconds of akward silence .

" (Y/n) over there is being clingy " Techno jocked with a half smile painted in his face . They all laughed lightly .

"I'm not being clingy"


"It does sound like you to be overly clingy " Dream said , glancing at the back of the car before focusing on the road again .

"You're talking about George , again" (Y/n) replied and looked out the window .
There was a bit of traffic , but nothing too bad , some people where put walking their dogs .
(Y/n) envied them in a way , they'd never be alone with that fluffy friend .

He felt Techno bump him with his shoulder .
As he looked over , he could see the worry in Techno's eyes despite the Inexpressiveness in the rest of his face .
The (other/taller/smaller) male tilted his head , silently asking if (Y/n) was okay .

The (h/c) haired man flashed him a smile before looking back at the window .

The silence was comfortable for (Y/n) , and Techno didn't seem to mind but it was clearly making Dream uncomfortable .
The blonde man tried to make conversation a few times, getting short answers for the males in te back , making it impossible to make any type of conversation .
After a while of trying Dream opted for turning on the radio .

The ride to the airport wasn't a long one .

When they got there it was almost empty , which they where all grateful for .
They didn't have to wait long .

Almost five minutes after they had arrived (Y/n)'s flight landed .

The (h/c) haired man got up instantly , his friends following behind .

"Well , looks like i have to go" he said looking at his friends .

"Take care bud" Dream hugged him lightly , a faint smile on his face .
(Y/n) gave him a reassuring smile.

Techno gave him that weird hug again "i guess I am going to miss you too".

(Y/n) smiled brightly at that , it felt amazing to bend Technoblade's ego like that .

"Don't make him too uncomfortable Dream , that's my job" he sneakily winked at his blonde friend .
Dream let out a chuckle as (Y/n) left .


The flight back home was stressful to say the least , he spent most of the time glaring at the baby that kept crying at any sound inside the plane . Another reason not to ever have a kid .

He was glad he could rest in his own bed soon

He saw one of his neighbors entering their home .
"Hello Marta "

The older lady glared at him before slamming her door shut .

(Y/n) chuckled , he knew she hated him because he had 'seduced her husband' . It wasn't his fault the old man was a weirdo and liked to catcall younger men .

When he turned to open his door he found a package in front of his door .

"What is..." He checked the big label on the box .

'✨CAT MAID (Y/N)✨'

"What the actual fuck" he laughed loudly , that bastard actually bought him a cat maid outfit .

The (e/c) eyed man opened his door and kicked the box inside his apartment , there was no way he'd try it on , but it had been his idea , and maybe he'd look good in it .

He'd do it later .

The place was exactly how he left it , just a bit colder .
If he didn't knew better , he'd think no one lives there .

The kitchen was small and clean , the living room consisted of a small TV he never used and a sofa , the bathroom's door was closed and he could see a spider making the corner of the door her house .
The only sing of life in the house where the food bowls by the computer and the messy bedsheets .

"Ah ... I'm home"

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