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Robert sat on his sofa and pulled off his shoes.

I've hurt her so bad, he thought as he sighed and shook his head. How could he bring himself to tell her that his mother didn't want her?

Yes she knew but it hurt deeply.

"Robert." He heard his mother calling him and he sighed.

"Mom, I thought you had left. Go back to Father's house." He said and laid down on the sofa.

"You want me to leave so that you can bring that girl right? No way." She said and knocked him on the head.

"Oww. Mom leave me alone. I'm the one getting married not you. You were the same person who got me married to Cassandra. Where is she now? In jail." He said and laughed.

"I guess she was a bad choice." His mom said and he shook his head.

"She was a f*cking bitch mother." He replied and his mother winced.

"I don't want to hear your vulgar words, Robert Williams. I'll be leaving today."

"Thank goodness." He replied and stood up to get himself a glass of water.

"I'll take that as a joke." She replied and looked around. "You must come to your brother's birthday party and with a woman."

"I'm coming with Ella." He replied.

"Nsogbu." She said. "Nsogbu ga adi o."
(Trouble, there will be trouble o.)

"I don't care mother. Because father is her competitor, doesn't mean I won't marry her." He replied. "Or because you hate her so much mom. She's a woman like you."

"She's a whore."

"She's not a whore, mom. At least, she's not like you. You slept around with men before you married father, Ma. You were a wh*re"

She hit him across his face.

"How dare you?" She asked, her eyes bulging.

He rubbed his cheek.

"The same way you keep insulting Ella, Mother. You keep insulting her and I'm tired. You were never perfect. She isn't. No one is. So please just stop this bull shit and get out of my house." He replied.

"You called me a whore, Robert."

"You called my future wife a whore, Mother." He replied and she stood up and called one of the maids.

"Take my bag to the car." She said and wore her sunglasses.

"I hope you come to your brother's birthday party, Mr Williams." She said and walked out of the house.

Good riddance.

"I need to call Ella." He said and grabbed his phone, punching in some keys.

It rang but ended abruptly. He dialed again and the same thing happened.
He sighed and walked into his study room.

He got to his table and pulled out a drawer. He took out a box and opened it.

Will she marry me? Will she accept me and my family? He thought and closed the box.

"I have to see her and tell her how much she means to me." He said and ran out of the study, banging the door.

The Boss Lady 2Where stories live. Discover now