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Robert parked in front of the family house. He was determined to meet his parents today. They had to explain what had happened to Ella. Of course they knew.

He left the doorbell and began to bang the door as hard as he could.

"Who could that be?" He heard the chauffeur ask. "Banging so loudly."

The man opened the door and looked startled.

"Sir, it is you. You hit the..."

Robert pushed him out of his way and walked into the house.

"Where are your masters?" He asked him.

"Ma...madam is in her room. Sir is at work." The chauffeur replied.

Robert wasted no time in climbing up the stairs. He got to his mother's room and opened the door.

"What the hell..." She stopped. "Couldn't you knock?" She asked, holding the towel around her firmly.

"Where is my fiancée?" He asked.

"What do you mean Robert?" She asked, eyes wide.

"Where is Ella mother? I know you've been against our union. Tell me now!" Robert said and walked towards her, his hands balled into fists.

"I don't know, Robert." She said.

Robert walked faster and grabbed her neck with his right hand. He applied force and began to choke her.

""  She begged as she struggled to breathe. She had her hand around his and the other hand clutching her towel lightly.

"Where is Ella?" He shouted and he pushed her to the bed. He released her and she began to cough loudly. She tried to breathe properly but it wasn't working.

"Just f*cking tell me where she is. Please." Robert said and sat down on the floor.

"I...I really don't know, Robert. I wanted to hurt her but before I could, she was already missing." She confessed.

"You wanted to hurt her?" He asked and she nodded weakly.

"I'm really sorry. But I don't know who is responsible for this." She said.

Robert sighed and nodded weakly.

"Who is doing this?" He asked himself and placed his head in his palm.


Ella stared weakly at the walls of her new home. She traced the lines on the wall and she chuckled at the movement of the wall gecko. She watched as her friend, the rat ate her last remnant of cheese.

"Do you miss him?" She asked the rat and chuckled. "You do, right. I do."

She had seen him in the news. He was worried about her. He was and it hurt her. She was so sorry. She was.

Her daughter and her boyfriend had only made fun of her. They had done things in her presence and it hurt her. Her own Amara.
She wondered and asked herself ma my question.
Who was influencing her? Who sent Anthony? Who? Where? When did all this happen?

She curled up into a ball and sighed. Sleep was far away from her. She wondered if she'd be sane again.


I'm so sorry for the late updates. Please I'm in school and like I said, the updates will be limited. Thank you 🥺 🥺

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