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Ella was furious. She kept chewing the cover of her pen.

If this was true...I'd lose my Robert for ever...

She heard a knock and jumped out of her seat.

"Come in." She replied and chewed on her pen.

"Baby." Robert came in and pulled her into his arms. "Come on, stop." He took the pen from her and threw it to the floor.

"That was my favorite pen!" She screamed and Robert eyed her.

"Can you calm down? Calm down." He muttered and she bowed her head, tears threatening to fall.

"Is it true?" She asked, pointing to the newspaper.

"Amaka is my childhood friend, baby. So we've known for a while until she decided that we shouldn't be friends anymore... Mother is trying to get back at me and it's all her plan."

"But why..."

"I know that since I've been in your life, you've opened your heart and let yourself live freely. But I think this shouldn't bother you baby. You're my boss lady." He said and kissed her forehead.

She sighed and turned around, looking out the window. She straightened her white shirt and inhaled.

"Your mother wants a fight? She'll get it." She said.


Tonight was the party. Ella was dressed in a black dinner gown with silver heels and a silver purse to match withe earrings. She looked at herself in the mirror and applied the last touch of lip gloss to her lips.

You're my boss lady.

She smiled and looked around her. She walked out of her room and shut the door.

"Amy." She called as she walked down the stairs.

"Yes Mum." Amara replied and looked up at her. "Wow, Mom you look beautiful. So so pretty."

"Thanks baby girl." She said and smiled. "Wanna come with me?"

"No, ma. I have assignments. Maybe next time." She replied and smiled.

"Okay then. Make sure you don't open the door for anyone, okay. I'll send a memo to my secretary later." Ella said.

"Okay Mom. Enjoy your evening. My regards to Uncle Robert." She said and hugged her.

As Ella opened the door, she saw Robert standing and waiting for her.

"My boss lady." He said and she smiled.

"You never cease to amaze me, Mr Williams." She said and he held her hand, kissing the back of her palm.

"I was sent to amaze you. Let's go." He said and guided her towards the car.


The Boss Lady 2Where stories live. Discover now