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Ella turned around in Robert's arms.

"Did you really say that?" She asked and he chuckled lightly.

"Yup." He replied and smacked his lips.

"Wow." She said and laughed a little. "That was rude Mr Williams."

"I had to keep her mouth shut. She kept saying things about you baby and it hurt me." He said and kissed her forehead.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that." She replied and turned her face away. "But we're going to your brother's party right?"

"No. I'm not going."

She sat up. "But he's your favorite sibling."

"Yeah yeah. He'll understand." He replied.

"That's not fair, Robin. We should go." Ella pouted.

"She'll insult you again, Baby." He said and she sighed.

"You can't abandon your family, Rob." She said and held his palm. "Let's go, please."

"I'm only going because you asked me to. My mother has been a pain in my neck for a long time, baby. I need a break from her."

"It's fine, okay." She said and laid down and kissed the side of his neck.

"Are you serious?" He asked as she kissed him again under his chin.

"Yes...I am." She replied and laughed as he turned her around.

"You're in big trouble, Miss Coker." He said and she laughed loudly again.


"Good morning, Miss Coker. I wish you a happy day ahead." The security guard greeted.

"Thank you John." She replied as she rolled up her windows and drove into the compound.

She turned off the engine and stepped out of the car and put on her sunglasses.

Ready to meet my gossips again.

She smiled at her thoughts and then walked into her building.

She found her employees whispering something and she stopped to listen. She pulled off her glasses and leaned against the wall to listen.

"Mrs Williams is so cruel. She wants her son to marry Miss Okoro."

She turned to look at the big television in the hallway and sighed.
It was on the headlines. 


"Can you all get the fuvk back to work?" She asked loudly, startling them.

They began to scurry to their offices.

"Sorry Ma'am." They muttered and left. Amara walked up to her to take her bag.

"Investigate and tell me if this is true." She said and Amara nodded. "I wonder what I'll do to my employees. Always gossiping."

"They'll change." Amara replied.

"You said that a year ago." Ella eyed her and hissed.

"Sorry ma'am."

"Just keep quiet!" She shouted and Amara kept quiet. Ella eyed her again and walked ahead of her.

The Boss Lady 2Where stories live. Discover now