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So sorry for the late update. Make sure to read the author's note below.


Robert paced up and down the sitting room. It's been two days. Two days since Ella's accident. Her body hasn't been found yet and he isn't happy.

"Where are you?" He asked and looked back at the photo displayed on his phone screen. "Just come back!"

Bayo walked up to him and tried to hold him but he shook him off.

"Where's Angela?" He asked Bayo as he closed his eyes.

"She's in the guest room." Bayo replied and pat Robert's shoulder. Angela had been with them since Ella was declared missing. Angela was felt like she was in danger and she decided to stay with Robert and Bayo.

"Just be with her." Robert said and grabbed a glass cup. He walked towards the bar and poured himself a glass of tequila.

"Stop bro. This won't bring Ella back." Bayo said and shook his head. 

"Get away from me!" He screamed, breaking the glass cup into pieces. Bayo looked frightened and stepped away from him. With a nod, he walked away from Robert and climbed up the stairs.

But, Ella had no enemies, he thought. Except my family. Yes, my family!

With that conclusion, he grabbed his jacket from the sofa and he picked up his car keys from the floor. He headed out and banged the door after him.


"Water! Please!" Ella called out loudly as she tried to breathe properly. The windows and doors were closed and she felt...suffocated, shattered, broken, hurt, annoyed, bad, angry.
She couldn't really describe it.

"Please! Water!" She said again and banged on the door with the strength she had left. She fell down to the floor and closed her eyes.

She heard the door open and she raised up her head. She felt water splash on her face and her clothes. She shivered and bowed her head.

"Hello, dear Mother."

That voice, that voice.

She looked up to see the owner of the voice and to her dismay, her thoughts confirmed who the owner was.


"Are you happy to see me Mom?" Amara asked and smiled sheepishly.

"I'm not. I don't think I'll ever be with the things I've witnessed, Amara. You. Hurt. Me." Ella said and sighed.

"Aww, it's nothing serious yet, Mom. They're looking for both of us but you know what? They won't find us." Amara said and pouted.

"I made a mistake!" Ella shouted.

"You're going to say that many times, Mom. I'm already your daughter legally. Don't forget that." Amara said and sat down on the chair beside her.

"I have the right to disown you legally." Ella replied, trying her best to sit up.

"That's if you'll be alive, dear Mom." She replied and Ella's eyes opened widely.

The door opened again and Anthony walked in. Amara stood up to hug him and he grabbed her ass and smacked it. She giggled and they kissed. Ella turned her face away and Amara laughed.

"You don't like seeing your daughter make out, Mom?" Amara asked and Ella didn't reply.

Anthony smirked and began to unbutton Amara'a clothes.

"She definitely wants some more action, baby." Anthony replied and pulled off his clothing too. Amara pushed Anthony to the bed and then walked up to Ella and grabbed her chin. She forcefully turned her face and made Ella look at her.

"Well dear Mom, we'll entertain you and," she said and smirked. "You. Must. Watch." Amara joined Anthony in bed and all Ella could do was to close her eyes.

God help me. Please, I beg you!


Hey guys. How're y'all?
I'm sorry that I haven't been able to update "The Boss Lady 2" for a while.
I've been in school and the updates will be really limited.
Thanks for your understanding and please support your baby girl.

Vote, comment and share the book please. Thank you 😗😘❤

Don't forget to wash your hands, sanitize and also wear your facemasks.
Till the next update.

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