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"Robert!" Ella groaned. Robert was asleep beside her. After their encounter last night, it seemed like he wouldn't ever wake up.
She felt so tired. Unlike other days. She didn't know why. She wanted to run out of the bed and she ended up doing so.

She ran into the bathroom and began to throw up in the water closet. She knew that she hardly felt this way. It had been long she felt like this but she couldn't place the reason why.

"Robert." She called again and threw up again. Robert got up from the bed and headed to the bathroom. He found her on the floor, her head bent. She kept throwing up and he raised his brows.

"Baby, are you okay? What's the problem?" He asked and started to pat her back.

She groaned and wiped at her mouth. Did she eat anything bad yesterday, she asked herself.

"Did you get me bad food, Robert?" She asked.

"What? No. I wouldn't get you bad food. What do you think of me?"

"Then why am I like this? I've never felt this way. Only you. Could have caused this." She said.

"Really Ella, are you serious?" He asked and sighed in disbelief. "You're pathetic."
He walked out and went into the room.

"Are you leaving me?" She asked and stood up from the floor. She ran into the room and met him rubbing his fingers on his head.

"Oh so now, I cause you headaches right? So now you want to run away from me!"

"Ella, calm down. We've been married for two years. I didn't run away. I've been with you for four years before our marriage and I...didn't run away. Can you calm down?"

She sighed and frowned. Another wave of nauseousness hit her and she ran into the bathroom. She bent down and began to throw up again.

Robert took his phone and dialed their family doctor's number.

"Please come right away, my wife's throwing up." He said and the doctor replied positively. He went up to her.

"Babe, calm down." He said and pat her back.

"Don't fucking tell me to calm down!" She said loudly. He stayed far away from her until the doctor arrived.

"What is wrong with her?" The doctor asked as he walked in, while Robert followed suit.

"Vomiting, serious mood swing. She has been shouting at me since morning."

The doctor smiled and nodded. He went into the to meet Ella in bed. She had been crying when Robert went out.


"Just leave me alone." She said and blew her nose into a handkerchief.

"Let me examine you, ma'am." The doctor said and began to examine her while she complained about Robert.

"When last did you take in?" The doctor asked.

"It's been a very long time. Why do you ask?"

"Well, you're pregnant. That's the reason for your wife's nauseousness and mood swings." The doctor said and they both gazed in shock.


"Yes. Congratulations. I'll leave you both." He said and took his leave.

"Thank you Doc!" Robert shouted and stared at Ella. "You're pregnant, baby." He sat beside her. 

"Yes...I am." She said and held his hand. "I'm so sorry."

"Aww baby. It's fine. You're pregnant. We're going to have a baby." He said and she chuckled.

He hugged her and kissed her cheek.
"I'm so happy." He said.

"I'm so happy too." She replied and closed her eyes. Happiness that was beyond her imagination.


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