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The regulator was beeping.
Her eyes fluttering. She opened them and shook a little.
The place was different...

"Hey baby. How do you feel?"

"I...I feel different!" She exclaimed and tried to sit up. Robert helped her to sit up.

" did we get here? I thought we were going home." Ella said and touched her chest. 

"Yeah. We brought you here later. The culprits we're caught. Amara, Anthony, Amaka and the other accomplices. They are all in jail." Robert said and kissed her knuckles.

"Thank God." She muttered and placed her forehead on his.

"When you're better, let's get married." Robert said and Ella chuckled.

"I wanted to say so too. I think it's been long enough." She said and he laughed.

"I'm sorry for letting you leave that day. Their plans wouldn't have worked." He said and she shook her head.

"I shouldn't have talked the way I did." Ella replied and kissed his cheek. "I'm sorry."

"I love you, Ella Coker." He said and closed his eyes. 

"I love you Robert Williams." She replied and smiled.

"How's the company?" She asked.

"You left it in safe hands. Angela is handling it well and Bayo...well, he's beside her." Robert said and smiled.

"Aww. That's so sweet." She replied and smiled.

The door burst open with her workers in view.  They were led by Angela and Uche.

They held flowers and gifts and kept smiling.

"Thank you guys." Ella replied and smiled. Robert had a phone call and went to the window to answer it.

"There's another good news." Angela said and smiled. She looked at Uche and Uche hid her face.

"What is happening?" Ella asked looking at them both.

"I'm getting married ma'am." Uche said and displayed her ring finger for her to see.

"Oh my God." Ella muttered and closed her mouth. "Congratulations Uche."

"Thank you ma'am. Thank you for always being you. You did a lot for me and I'm grateful. Who ever thought that I would be a general manager and your secretary at the same time?" She asked and everyone chuckled.

"Funny you. Well from now on, you're just the general manager. I have Angela to take over when I'm tired." Ella said and made a funny face.

"You're serious?" Angela asked. "I thought it was just for the mean time."

"No. Besides, I have someone to attend to." Ella said and looked at Robert. He was still on the call, making signs with his hands.

"Aww." Her workers cooed and she laughed.

"Abeg, leave me." She laughed and looked at Angela.

"I trust you to take good care of my company."

"I'll do my best cousin. Thank you for this opportunity."

Ella nodded and laid down on her pillow.

"So where were we?" Robert asked and sat beside her. 

"Where you left me." She muttered and he bent down to kiss her.

The Boss Lady 2Where stories live. Discover now