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Ella slammed the table in anger.

"Uche how many times have I told you not to make me upset?" She asked through the phone call she was having with Uche.

"I...I'm sorry Ma'am." Uche muttered. "The man said he'd come today."

"Wtf?" Ella asked and ended the call abruptly.

There was a tap on the door and Ella frowned.

"Come in." She said and hissed loudly.

"I am so sorry Ma. He said he'd be here. I paid him." Uche said and Ella laughed.

"You mean that man was paid to fix my air conditioner and he isn't here yet?" She asked and then smiled.

"Dial the commissioners number." She said, smacking her lips.

"But ma'am he might..."

"Dial it fast, Miss Okoro. Don't test me." She said and Uche walked as fast as she could.

"God she's so angry today. That A/C man is in big soup." Uche said and  laughed quietly.

A man wearing oversized clothes rushed into Uche's office.

"Good...good day. I'm here to fix Miss Coker's A/C."

"Ah, oga, you're seriously late. My boss has been very upset." Uche said and shook her head.

"I...I'm sorry. A lot happened."

Uche nodded and went towards Ella's door.

"Ma'am, he's here." She muttered.

The door fully opened and the man stepped in.

Ella stared at the man from his head to his feet and then she started laughing.

Uche had never really heard her boss laugh as loud as she did right now. It was weird and...funny.

"Ma'am, are you...alright?" Uche asked.

"Is this the A/C man or whatever you call him?" She asked and Uche nodded.

Ella stood up, adjusting her suit jacket and walked towards the frightened man. She stood in front of him, towering over his small form.

"If this ever happens again Man, you're in very big trouble. Do I make myself clear?" She asked and he nodded nervously.

"Is that clear?!"

"Ye...yes ma'am." He replied and she turned to Uche.

"Tell Amara I'm coming home." She said and walked out of the office, leaving the man confused and frightened at the same time.


Phew...this is just a teaser.

I kinda missed this boss lady.

Updates till next year...

Sorry about the teaser.
My fingers were a bit excited 😁

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