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Ella opened the door to her apartment with Robert laughing behind her.

"You're so funny." Ella said and laughed.

"She was disturbing me so much. She begged me to be her side chick." He replied and she laughed louder.

"Where's Amara? It's been long I saw my little girl." He said.

"Amy..." She called out and then walked around.

"She's not home. Maybe she went out." She said and he sat down.

"Juice? Water?"

"You." He replied and grabbed her hand, pulling her down to him.

"Robin, stop." She said, pushing him away. He pulled her further and kissed her.

She struggled against him and then she let him, putting her hands around him and moving into him.

"I've missed you a lot." He said and she stood up, arranging her hair.

She didn't reply and he stood up to follow her.

"I'll get you juice. Sit down."

"No." He said and turned her around. "Why are you so worked up about my travel? You still don't want to talk to me, huh?"

"Let go of me, Robin." She said and sighed.

"Why? You hate it when I touch you?" He asked and gripped her arm tighter.

"You're hurting me."

"You're hurting me!" He shouted and pushed her away. She fell to the floor and turned to him in shock.


"Baby...I'm so sorry." He tried to reach for her but she waved him off.

"When did all this start Robert? I...I don't understand. I just wanted to surprise you but you..." She stopped and looked around.

"I was waiting for you to come back. You didn't call or text me, fine. You're so pathetic, Robert."

"Babe wait..."

"I wanted to tell you that I can be a mother again. That we can get married. Or maybe you've found someone else. Maybe this isn't working." She said and buried her face in her palm.

"No baby. We're working, okay. Just listen to me." He begged.

"Just get out, Robert. You can't be with someone like me, okay. Your mother doesn't like me at all. Your father hates me. Just go away."

Robert bowed his head and obeyed her. She was right. His father was her competitor when it came to the business industry. Mr Williams didn't like her one bit.

"I'm so sorry, Ella." He said and walked out the door without looking back at her.

The Boss Lady 2Where stories live. Discover now