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Amara stood in front of Ella. Ella was drumming her fingers on her table.

"Where is Anthony?" She asked.

"Mom, I said I don't know." Amara replied, standing her ground.

"You both have been together up until now, Amara. Tell me where Anthony is or you will regret it." Ella said and stood up, anger written all over her face.

"I fuvking said that I don't know." Amara said and Ella slapped her.

"Don't you dare curse when I'm asking you questions, Amara. You may be my daughter, that doesn't mean you should be rude to me or any other person."

"I'm not rude! I only stand for what's mine!" She screamed.

"What is yours? Please do well to tell me. I don't think I know." Ella said and folded her arms. She was resting on the desk and she tilted her head forwards.

"I...I..." Amara stuttered.

"You're making me reject my decision of adopting you, Amara. I made you my daughter. I gave you my surname. Now what are you doing? You're stabbing me. You're hurting me." Ella said and shook my head.


"Just stop calling me Mom. The other day, you said I wasn't your mother. That I didn't give birth to you. Didn't you?"

"It was a mistake." She replied.

"Do you think I haven't noticed how badly you treat Angela?" Ella asked.

"Oh. Is it because of her that you're asking all these? That poor thing?" Amara asked and Ella stared at her eyes wide.

Ella was forced to slap her at that moment.


"Angela is not a poor thing. Her parents are rich and are capable of taking care of her." Ella replied and grabbed her arm.


"I need to know where Anthony is, Amara. He stole my money and ran away. Maybe you helped him." Ella said and let her arm go.

"Of course not." Amara spat. "Am I that stupid?"

"You are." Ella muttered and walked around her desk. She sat on her chair and drummed on the table with her fingers.

"Amara, this isn't easy for me." Ella said and looked up at her. "I have no choice but to hand you over to the security personnel."

"I don't know where he is, Mom." She said again, no emotion written on her face.

"I'm giving you until tomorrow to tell me where Anthony is, Amara. You better tell me or you are in big trouble young girl. You may leave." Ella said and placed her hand on her forehead.

"I never knew you were this heartless, Ella Coker." Amara said and Ella looked up at her again. "Ever since that bitch came into our lives, you've become...heartless and ruthless."

"What?" Ella asked, confusion written all over her face.

"You both behave like you own the world." Amara said and laughed. "She owns nothing, Miss Coker. You only give her hope and nothing more."

"Amara!" Ella shouted and stood up, banging her table.

"No matter what you do, I'll never tell you where Anthony is!" She said and turned around, running out of the office.

Ella tried to take deep breaths. But she ended up banging her fist against the wall.

The door opened and Robert came in. He was dressed in a pair of trousers and a polo.

"Ella!" He shouted as he ran to her and stopped her from banging her fist against the wall.

Her knuckles were bleeding already but she didn't care. She pushed Robert away with all her might.

"I hate all of you. All of you!" She screamed and sank down to the floor.

"Ella, listen please." Robert begged.

"No matter how good I am, you just keep hurting me. Amara is there holding a thief, you're here talking nonsense."

"Just stop it!" Robert shouted. Ella looked at him dumbfounded.

"You're not the only one who feels things Ella. I feel things too and so does Amara, Angela and everyone else. Can you just calm down? Don't be pathetic!"

"Did you...just scream at me?" She asked.

"You did the same too, Ella." He replied and she nodded.

"That's fine. I made a mistake. A very big one." She muttered and pulled off her engagement ring.

Robert stared at her as she opened his palm and placed the ring in.

"Thank you Robert. For showing me how foolish I am." She said and picked up her phone from her desk.

"When you're done, shut my door." She said and walked out.

"Shit." Robert replied and smacked his forehead.

You should have been calm.

"No. She...she's always angry."

But you know that she's a good person.
She knows how others feel.


Find her Robert.

With that, he ran out, closing the door after him.

The Boss Lady 2Where stories live. Discover now