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Ella was very upset to tell Robert on the phone and decided to go over to his house. She drove in her car and rubbed her forehead.

She parked outside the compound and then opened the gate. She walked in. She knocked on the door and Bayo came to open it.

"Uh...Miss Ella. Good...good afternoon." He stuttered.

"Where is Robert? It's urgent."

"I...I...I don't know." He replied.

She looked at him up and down and then pushed through.

"Don't go in." He hissed but she didn't listen.

She walked straight to Robert's room and opened the door, only to find a lady slipping into bed with him.

Robert was fast asleep, bottles of whiskey on the floor.

"Oh, hi Miss Coker." Miss Okoro greeted covering herself. She smiled and looked at Robert who was still sleeping.

"Bitch!" Ella muttered and pulled her by the hair.

"Ahh, let me go!"  She screamed.

"Bayo!" Ella shouted.

Bayo ran in and his eyes widened at the scene.

"When did Robert get drunk? Be sincere!"

"He got drunk last night. We were drinking and he kept talking about you and...and how he missed you. He's been asleep since last night." He said and scratched his head.

"This lady showed up this afternoon and demanded to see my cousin. I informed her that he was sleeping but she...she refused."

"Liar." Amaka muttered.

"I'm saying the truth." Bayo said and Ella nodded.

Ella used her right hand to take out her phone. She dialed a number.

"Yes, bring your men and your cameras." She said and ended the call.

"What?" Amaka asked and Ella laughed.

"I was upset earlier." Ella said. "You made things worse. So you'll suffer from my wrath."

Ella pulled her out of the room.

"Ella please." She begged as Ella pulled her out of the room and down the stairs.

The press had gathered in front of Robert's house and were asking questions.

Ella opened the front door and suddenly lights flashed. She didn't care and then she pushed Amaka to the ground in front of all the press men.

"The next time I ask you to stay away from my fiancé, you do that." Ella said and then looked at them.

"You can get the fvck out now!"  She shouted and they all frowned and began to leave.

"You're heartless." Amaka muttered as she cried out.

"You're shameless." Ella said and closed the door on her face.

Bayo was staring at her. He bowed his head and walked away.

She typed on her phone. It rang and she spoke quietly.

"I want to see you. Now." She said and ended the call.

The Boss Lady 2Where stories live. Discover now