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Ella stepped out of the office building.
She fiddled with her car keys. She had never walked home before.

She shook her head and opened the door to her car. She got in and drove out of the compound. Her driving was slow. She kept saying things to herself.

"Betrayers! All of them!" She screamed and hit the horn. She shook her head again and again. She decided to put on the air conditioner of the car.

She let the cold air caress her face and she inhaled deeply. She needed to relax and really calm down. She felt a wave of dizziness hit her and she blinked briefly.

She was still driving when she closed her eyes, sleep taking over fully. The car rammed into an electric pole. Ella was unconscious and there was no one around to help. The fuel from the car was leaking and just as soon as it happened, the car exploded.

Robert ran out of Ella's office building.

"She's left." He muttered and entered his car, hoping to meet her on the way. He drove, looking out the windows.

"Ella where are you?" He asked and began to dial her number.

'The number you're trying to call is currently unavailable. Please try again later.'

"No, no." He muttered hitting his steering wheel. He tried again and received the same message.

He dialed Angela's number. It rang a few times and then she answered.

"Uncle Robert. How are you?" She asked.

"Where is Ella?" He asked hastily.

"I...I don't know. She isn't home yet." She muttered. "I can't even find Amara."

"I...I'm looking for Ella." He replied and nodded his head. "I promise, I'll bring her back."

"Okay. I'm expecting you both." She said and he ended the call.

Ella where the hell are you? I'm so sorry.

He drove around a bend and the road was blocked. There had been an accident. The car was on fire and the fire service were trying to put off the fire. He slowed down as a police officer walked up to him.

"I'm sorry but you have to go back." The officer said.

"What happened?" Robert asked.

"Miss Coker had an accident with that car." He said.

Ella! Oh no!

Robert turned off the engine and opened the door. He ran towards the burning car.

"Ella!" He screamed as tears rolled down his face. "No!"

"Sir, you have to move back." He was being pulled by officers.

"Let me go!" He screamed fighting the officers. "Ella!"

He fell to the ground and placed his head in his palm. His Ella was gone.


Sorry for the late update guys...


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