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Ella got into the car with Robert beside her. He was turning into another street and she looked out the window.

"How old will your brother be today?"

"Twenty three." He said and she chuckled.

"Wow, he's quite a chap." She replied and he nodded.

She went silent again and Robert placed his right palm on her lap.

"Baby, don't be nervous okay?"

"Yeah." She replied and the car came to a stop. They had gotten to his family house.

"Ready?" He asked.


He came out of the car and walked over to Ella's side. He opened the door and she came out.

He bent towards her and kissed her cheek.

"Have I told you that you look sexy in that gown?" He asked, his voice low.

She felt her cheeks itch her a little as she smiled. If she was fair, it would be obvious that she was blushing.

"You haven't told me." She replied, looking into his eyes.

"You know now." He said and kissed lightly. "Let's go."

He locked the car and hand in hand, they walked into the house.

Joeboy and DJ Neptune's Nobody was playing in the background.

"I love this song." Ella muttered and Robert laughed.

"I do too." He said and hugged her tightly.

"Brother, you made it." Charles, his younger brother walked up to them and hugged him. "Welcome. You must be Miss Coker. We talk about you a lot." He kissed the back of Ella's palm and laughed.

"Yes I'm Miss Coker. You can call me Ella." She replied and he nodded.

They walked further into the house. Mr Jude Williams, Robert's father was sitting on an arm chair, smoking his cigar.

"Father, Robert's here." Charles said. "With Miss Coker."

He raises his head up and stared at her and then to his son.

"Welcome." He muttered and looked elsewhere.

"Oh, that's too bad for a welcome greeting. Isn't that?" Ella asked and Robert looked at her, eye wide and nudged her arm.

"Why should I care? Besides I wouldn't stoop low to greet you." He replied and blew the smoke onto her face.

Ella waved her hand, dispersing the smoke.

"I wouldn't have stepped into your house." She replied and looked around. "Besides, it needs some repainting."


"Um...I think I'll take Ella away for now." Robert interrupted and pulled Ella away.

She began to laugh as held her arm.

"You saw his face right? Oh my gosh." She muttered.

"Ella, that's my father." He replied.

"Robert, that's my rival." She said and looked at him.

"I can't believe this." He said, raising his hands up in the air.

"Then don't." She replied and Fireboy's Party Scatter filled the room.

"Party Scatter!" Ella screamed and laughed. 

Robert eyed her and walked away to get them drinks.

Ella smiled and looked around her. There were so many people. She hummed to the music as she stared at them.

"And...who do we have here?" She heard someone ask and she turned.

"I should be asking you that, Miss Okoro Amaka." Ella replied and folded her arms.

"Nice dress, boyfriend snatcher." Amaka replied and chuckled.

"You seem off, bitch." Ella said and snapped her fingers at her. "Wake up."

"You should be the one waking up, Miss Coker. Or should I say, Ella. His mother doesn't like you and...oh she hates you. So I have a better chance of being Robert's wife." She said and Ella laughed.

"Why didn't you become Robert's wife? Why did his mother choose Cassandra over you then?" Ella asked her and she frowned and then walked away.

"Pervert." She muttered after her.

"You seem determined to get the upper hand in this game baby." Robert muttered and gave her a glass. "I heard everything."

"You sure did." She said and clinked glasses with him.

After a while, Charles cut his cake and everyone danced.

"Let's dance." Robert said and pulled Ella until the dance floor.

Ed Sheeran's  Perfect is being played.

"I love this song." Robert said and Ella smiled. He put his hand around Ella's waist and her arm on his shoulder.

"If I asked you to marry me now, would you accept?" Robert asked as they began to sway to the music.

"Yes...I would." She replied and looked at him. She kissed his cheek and let nature do it's magic.

She didn't know why Robert was asking this, but she knew that she would definitely say yes to him.

"I've wanted to ask you this for a long time." He said and stepped away from her and went on one knee.

"Will you marry me Ella Coker and become my wife?" He asked with a small opened box in his palm.

People gasped and brought out their phones. Some stepped away and the spotlight was placed on them both.

"O my God." Ella muttered, tears coming to her eyes.

"Say yes! Say yes!!" The crowd began to mutter.

"Yes Robin. I'll marry you baby." She replied.

"Hold it right there!" They heard someone shout and they all turned.

The Boss Lady 2Where stories live. Discover now