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Ella groans as she sits up in bed.

"My head hurts so so much." She whispers to herself and tries to stand up but fails terribly.

"Why did I drink so much last night?" She asked as she rubs her forehead lightly. She looks at the time.

"10 O'clock? O my God, I'm so late." She screams. The she relaxed. "It's s

She laid back down and sighed. She needed hot tea now.

"A..." She started to call but she snapped her mouth shut and struggled to get up. Then she walked down the stairs to the kitchen.

She found the cup she had used to drink last night and then the memories came back to her.

"You're not even my real mother."

The words replayed in her head for a minute longer and then she slumped to the ground.

"I wish I could have a child of my own. If I could love Amara and she said something so awful to me, what next?" She asked and covered her face with her hands. "I'm so ashamed of myself."

She felt someone touch her and she turned immediately.

"Baby, are you okay?" It was Robin.

"Robin!" She screamed and stretched out her arms, pulling him in for a hug.

"Hush, baby. I'm here. What happened?" He asked as he stroked her back.

" a very long story." She said, hiccuping.

"I can wait. Why don't you sit? I'll make you hot chocolate. Okay?" He asked looking at her and she nodded.

"Okay, Robin." She said and bowed her head and Robert wasted no time in wiping away her tears.

She deserves to be happy every time. Every time.


"Are you better now?" Robert asked as he sat down beside Ella. She was drinking from the mug he had customized for her.

It read, "My Best Boss Lady."

"I'm better." She replied and sighed, looking ahead.

She looked so beautiful as she closed her eyes. Her braids packed into a messy bun. She drank from the mug again and smiled at Robert.

"So she said those things?" Robert asked and she hiccupped.

"Yes, she did. I'm still hurt oh. I never expected such. She clearly chose that guy over me." She replied and frowned.

"Babe...I'm sorry..."

"I'm seriously gonna fire that guy. If Amara had told me all along, I wouldn't have reacted that way, huh. It hurts badly."

"I need to talk with Amara." He said and Ella nodded, giving him permission. "Ill be right back."

He walked up the stairs and onto the corridor. He stopped in front of Amara's room and knocked.

"Hello, Amy. I need to talk to you." He called and the door clicked open.

"Hello, Robert." She greeted and looked down. "How's Mom?"

"She's fine. I need to talk with you." He said and went in, with Amara closing the door.


"I didn't mean to hurt her at all." Amara was crying now after explaining all that happened with her Mom.

"I understand. But clearly you hurt her and you need to apologize, okay. She's been going through a lot and this brought her down." He said and pat her palm.

"Thank you so much. You'll make a good father." She replied and hugged him.

If I and Ella eventually marry.

"Okay...thank you." He chuckled and hugged her back.

They heard someone clear their throat and they turned.

"Hey." Ella said and smiled. "Can I get a hug too?"

"Of course you can." Robert said and Amara hugged her and Robert hugged them both.

This is so cute, Robert thought as he kissed Ella's forehead and closed his eyes.

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