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"Are you sure about going to see her?" Robert asked, holding her hand in his.

They stood in front of the central prison.

"Yes...I'm sure. I just want to see her. This once." Ella said and smiled.

He nodded and a security officer stepped aside. They both walked into the large building.

"Madam Coker, Ma." A female officer saluted.

"I'm here to see her. How has she been?" Ella asked, holding Robert's hand tightly.

"She doesn't associate with anyone ma. Just on her own, and murmuring words." She replied.

"I want to see her." She said and the officer nodded.

"Be safe. I'll be here. In case of any issue, scream for help." Robert said and she nodded.

She escorted Ella to the visitor's room and opened the door. Ella looked in to see Amara drawing lines on the table.

"I'll be here." The officer said and Ella went to sit opposite her.

"Mom." Amara called, still drawing lines on the table.

"I'm so sorry. I'm not your mom anymore. You lost that privilege to call me Mother." Ella said and looked elsewhere.

"But you still are." She replied and rose her head, looking straight at her face. "You're ashamed of me now, right?"

"I'm more than ashamed, Amara." Ella said and stared at her. "I'm hurt, disappointed and broken. Sometimes, I wonder if you always told me the truth from the beginning."

"I always did. From the beginning. I always did. I just got brainwashed."

"Brainwashed? With all I did for you?" Ella asked, hitting the table with all her might.

"I'm sorry Mom."

"I am not your Mother. I didn't give birth to you. So do not, call me that." Ella said and sighed.

"I really wish I can turn the hands of the clock." Amara said.

"Well you can't. I'm done with you. With all this. I pray you find repose of your evil soul." Ella replied and stood up.

"I'm so sorry Mother. Please. Get me out of here."

"You should stay here."

"No! Get me out!!" She screamed and began to scratch at her face and arm. "Get me out of here!!!"

She felt an arm grab her.

"Ma, you need to leave. This is how she reacts most times." The officer said and pulled her out of the room.

Ella closed her eyes. Her hand on her chest.  Her heart was beating wildly.

"Ella." Robert called and she turned to him.
"Are you okay?"

"Yes, I...I'm fine. Just shocked."

He hugged her and she pressed her face into the crook of his neck.

"I...I think she needs help. She's gone nuts." She said.

"We'll make sure she gets the help she needs. She'll be fine, okay. Let's go." He said and pulled her along as they left the prison.

An epilogue is coning after this. Thank you for all your votes and comments.

I love you all 💕💓

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