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Ella was anxious and she walked up and down the corridor of her office. She was going to meet Angela today and she was eager.

Relax, breathe in and out.

She was excited and she started biting her lip.

"Ma'am." Anthony called, looking into the office. "Someone's here to see you."

Robert walked in and hugged Ella. He kissed her forehead and held her hands.

"Is she here, baby?" She asked and looked at him. He nodded and she exhaled.

"It will be fine." He said and kissed her cheek. "Come in, Angela."

The door opened and a young lady stepped, her hair was braided. She looked so young and very beautiful. She had these eyes that glowed.

"Miss Coker...I am so honoured to meet you. I only got to know about you last week when Mr Robert had called my mother." She said in a hurry, playing with her fingers.

"Call me Ella please. I'm so excited to know that I have a family. I'm so glad that I'm meeting you dear. Can...can I hug you?" Ella asked, tears gathering.

Angela walked into Ella's arms and they hugged. Robert found himself cleaning his eyes with his handkerchief.

"My mom would have come, but...she asked me to. She's happy to know that you're still alive." Angela said, crying.

Ella hugged her again and Angela patted her hair as she cried.

"This is so lovely." Robert said and blew into his handkerchief again. "I'll leave you both to catch up, okay?"

Ella kissed Robert and he left them, still cleaning his face.


"These pictures are of your mother and mine when they were younger. Your mother was the first child while mine was the second. My grandfather married two wives and hence maltreated our grandmother because she couldn't bear him a son."

"Those things still happen?" Ella asked shaking her head.

"Yes. Grandma died two years ago though. Grandpa is still alive. My father is a business man, he settled for importation and exportation of goods. Mom has her boutique and all my siblings are married and working. Well except me. I...I'm not married." She said and sighed.

"I'm not married yet too. I will be, soon. But why aren't you married?" Ella asked.

"Well, I was supposed to get married three years ago...but..."

"Is there anyone in the congregation who thinks these two shouldn't be joined as husband and wife? Speak now or forever remain silent."  The priest said and the church went silent.

For a while silence lingered and then I heard gasps.

"I do." I heard a voice say and I turned to see the lady.

"Blessing." I called. I was shocked to see my  brides maid stand up. My Chief brides maid stared at me shocked and at Blessing.

"This man here doesn't deserve someone like Angela." She said and walked forward, holding a piece of paper in her hand.

"This is evidence, I'm a month pregnant for this man." 

..."I...I don't understand." I replied as I stared at Joseph.
"You're having a child with someone else?"

"I...I can explain." He said and I slapped him.  He placed his palm on his cheek and I was crying, my make up getting ruined. My father, mother and others surrounded us.

"I hate you. I will not marry you."  I said and carried my dress in my hands and running as fast as I could.

Out of the church.

Away from Joseph.

Away from everyone...

"Wow. That's so bad. He ended up marrying her, right?" Ella asked as she  rubbed her back. Angela was crying.

"Yes...he did. I trusted him with my life." She said and hiccupped.

"You'll be fine, okay." Ella said and kissed her forehead.

The Boss Lady 2Where stories live. Discover now