Not What It Seems

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The Next Day

No Ones POV

Today was the day the group decided to tell Adam, Bree, Chase, and Leo about Marcus. But before they could do that, there was some business that needed to be taken care of.

"I am going to him!"

Logan tugged on her arm, "no Cece! You're staying here! I may not be your blood related brother, but I'm still older than you."

"And? Your point is? I'm going to talk to Marcus, even if you like it or not!" Cece said. She took her phone and went out the door.

Logan sighed and took his phone out. He sent out a text alert. So far he knew today Milton was getting his new phone, but who knows what time.

Message: Guys we have a problem.

To: Brody [x] Rocky [x] Sloane [x] Milton [x] Jerry [x] Jack [x] Kim [x]

Minutes later Logan received a spam of texts.

Kim: Why!?

Jack: What problem

Sloane: This can't be good

Rocky: is Cece involved!!??

Logan typed as fast as he could.

Logan: Cece is going to tell Marcus everything!!

Kim: this is bad!

Brody: Hold up, why didn't you stop her?

Logan: dont you think I tried!!!

Jack: we have to avoid this.

Brody: And you couldnt have done a better job

Jerry: come on! That's stupid

Kim: Guys! We have to go to the Davenports' now!

Logan: Wait, I can't go.

Jack: why not?

Rocky: ugh, you're right i cant either! I blame you for this!

Jerry: I'm confused.

Logan: look! I lied and now they're mad at me and Rocky.

Kim: Well you still have a reason to go and its called TO CLARIFY

Rocky: I will try, but if anything goes wrong I'm blaming you.

Brody: you in Logan?

Logan: Fine! What choice do I have?

Sloane: Then lets go!

Everyone leaves the conversation and head to the Davenports' house. Logan sighs and heads out the hotel room. As he walked outside the hotel, he spotted Cece with Marcus.

"She must of called him." He mumbles under his breath. He decides to walk to them, to stop whatever she's doing. Logan felt himself stop, he didn't choose though. "What the—"

He looks up to see Marcus with his arm sticking up a little. Cece looks back then turns around to laugh. Logan tries to move his legs, nothing budges. People would walk around him thinking he's dumb.

He rolled his eyes and says, "what are you looking at?"

People awkwardly passed by Logan as he eyed them. Suddenly his weight shifted causing him to fall. He tilted his head to see what Cece and Marcus were doing now. Logan stands up and looks around, they aren't there anymore.

"Damn it." Logan takes one last glance before walking away.

Cece and Marcus laugh as they walk down the sidewalk that lead to the pond.

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