The Dance Competition

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~The Next Day~

Nobody's POV

Rocky and Cece were getting ready for the competition. One of the stylists was curling Rocky's hair and the other one was straightening Cece's hair.

Their clothes and accessories were already picked out. Both dresses identical. A summer dress, white with black poke-a-dots, down to just above the knee, also with a thin red belt that has a bow in the middle.

Rocky knows this is an opportunity of a life time. While Cece is thinking the same thing, she's planned something no one expects.

Adam, Bree, Chase and Leo are waiting at the entrance. Adam and Bree were really excited, Chase thought this is the worst idea ever. Leo was calm about it, but in the inside he's also excited.

Chase was nervous, what if something goes wrong. If one of the plugs fall, he could lose it. They all hand their tickets to the guy at the gate. Chase was coming up with many possible scenarios. To late to go back.

Sloane was with Kim, she was a little nervous. What if she see's Brody, he'll be here anyway. She got everyone a ticket for this.

Kim was waiting for Jack and the others. She was fumbling with her fingers looking around seeing who was here.

"Hope Jack makes it." Kim mumbles looking at Sloane, who's looking at the gates.

Brody's POV

"Jack hurry up!" I yell from down the stairs with Jerry by my side.

Jack comes down putting his phone in a pocket. "Well sorry if you want to see Sloane. I'm pretty sure she wants you back."

"Oh!" Jerry said, they all start laughing while I shake my head glaring at all of them.

"It least girls chase me, not like you where you had to ask Milton to get girls for you." I snapped at Jerry.

"Brody just think, we all know you still like her." Milton pats my back, Jerry follows him out, then Jack and Logan. I'm the last one out, closing the door.


We get to the entrance, it's so packed. I look around trying to not lose the guys. That's when I recognize some people out in the crowd. No way. The Black Dragons.

Luckily the guy gets our tickets fast. I rush inside looking for the girls. "They said they were in the very first row."

We all walk to the front row. Jack obviously sits next to Kim, Jerry next to Jack, leaving me to sit next to Sloane. Milton sits next to me. Finally Logan next to Jerry. That's just great. I mouth to Jack 'I hate you'. He smirks.

I glance quickly at Sloane. Our eyes meet, yet she looks away quickly. Yeah Jack she totally wants me back. I sigh, this is going to be a long night.

Nobody's POV

Marcus finally enters, he sits in the second row. Right behind Milton. He trys to be as invisible as possible. Chase sits next to Milton, then it's Leo, Bree and Adam.

A group sits in the same row as Marcus. Marcus looks at one of them. The guy next to him has curly, gingerish, short hair. He sensed it, the guy is trouble.

Just then a woman came up on the stage. Her blonde hair in a bun, wearing red lipstick, and with a sleeveless, mermaid dress that in the bottom it was short in the front and longer in the back.

"Welcome to the first dance competition held here at Seaford!" She announced as the crowd roar with claps and cheers.

"There are ten teams tonight. They will be versing each other for this trophy!" She keeps the trophy high in the air for the public to see.

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