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(A/N: sorry about not updating awhile back. School just had me very busy.)

Nobody's POV

Logan went to Jack's house. He knocked on the door, patiently waiting. Jack opens the door letting Logan in.

Logan sees a woman, Jack's mom. She stares at him. It made Logan curious of who she really was. "Hey Mrs. Brewer. I'm Logan, Logan Hunter."

Memories filled inside Jack's mom's head. The last name was so familiar. Jeremy Hunter. That's the only person she ever knew with that last name. Everything clicked. That was really her lost son.

Her eyes start to get watery from joy. "Logan."

Logan is confused for a moment. He then remembers what Jack told him a while ago. To Logan everything clicked also. His mother never died, it was him that was taken away from the arms of his mother.

"You're my mother?" Logan says walking to her. Jack closes the door finally knowing what Logan is.

"Yes!" Jack's mother hugs Logan, crying in his shoulder, she says, "I finally get to see you."

Logan now knows the warmth of his mother. She strokes his hair and cries some more. Jack feels happy that Logan is his biological brother. One question did run through his mind. "Mom, how did I never know about Logan?"

Logan and his mother pull apart. She motions both of her sons to the living room. "Sit down boys." They both sit down waiting for her to continue. "It pretty much started when you were born."


Room 315

"What are the names of your twins going to be?" The doctor asked.

"His name will be Logan." She looked at the baby wrapped in a green blanket. She looks at the baby in her left arms, who's wrapped in a blue blanket. "And this little fellow will be Jack."


"I have to move away for a job they gave me." He explained to her. "I don't think I'll ever come back though."

She starts to tear up. Logan was in her arms and Jack was in the crib upstairs. "Then at least do one thing for me."

"What is it?"

"Take care of Logan. I barely have enough money to live." She said handing Logan over to Jeremy.

"Before I leave let me see Jack for the last time." He hands her Logan.

Jeremy walks upstairs to Jack's room. He slowly picks up Jack, trying not to wake him up. Jeremy whispers, "hey little guy. I'm really going you. You probably will never see me again or your brother. I wish I could stay but I can't."

He took a long pause before continuing, "I'm giving you this so you can remember me. If you can."

Jeremy laughs a little and sets Jack back into his crib. He pulls out a silver chain and puts it on top of the drawer, by the crib.

He walks back down stairs. He takes Logan in his arms and walk out, not looking back.


Logan looks at his mother. He's not sure if he should be happy or mad. Logan looks at Jack and smiles at him, then he looks at his mother with the same expression. He sees a silver line by Jack's shirt and points to it.

"What is that?" Logan asks.

Jack takes out the silver chain from under his shirt. "My mom gave this to me."

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