Lies, Lies, and More Lies

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Nobody's POV

Logan heard a knock on the door. He opens the door, not knowing how to feel. Marcus carrying his girlfriend. He could care less right now, something is wrong with Rocky.

"What happened?"

Marcus sets Rocky on the small couch they had. Logan is by her side. Marcus had to come up with a lie fast! "I was at the beach needing some fresh air. When I see someone lying on the ground. I walk up getting a closer look and notice it was Rocky. So I decided to bring her here."

Just then Cece comes out of her room. "Logan who- Rocky! What's wrong!?"

"She fainted and I don't know why." Marcus acts all innocent when clearly it was his fault.

Cece motions Logan to her room so he could explain what happened. Meanwhile Marcus is with Rocky. He hears mumbling, Marcus looks at Rocky. She was starting to wake up.

Rocky opened her eyes, confused at first. Then when she sees Marcus, she starts flipping out. Marcus quickly covers her mouth with his hand. He used his super speed, but she didn't see since he was a foot away from her.

"Shush. Remember what I told you. No telling." Rocky nods then Marcus moves his hand away from her.

"Logan! Cece! She woke up!"

They came running out of the room wanting to see Rocky. Cece hugs Rocky then lets her go. Cece stands up with Marcus by her side, but a little bit behind her. Logan hugs her and Rocky sees Marcus giving her a stern look.

"Since Rocky is fine I'm going to go now." Marcus says heading to the door. Rocky feels relieved that he's leaving. That's when Cece tells him to stay.

Rocky didn't think about it and starts blurting things out hoping they would believe her. "No he'll hurt me again! Leave Marcus leave!"

Marcus took this as an advantage. "Rocky it's just me. Your friend Marcus, I brung you up here."

Cece fell for it completely. "Rocky you just need some rest."

Logan shook his head in approval. Marcus suggested that he really needed to leave. "Oh, my dad just texted me. I really need to leave guys. Bye. Also feel better soon Rocky."

Logan went to Flynn's room ready to play a video game. Cece went to her room wanting Rocky to rest. Rocky couldn't rest, she was telling the truth and nobody believes her. Her life was turning into a movie.

Marcus is in the hallway alone about to super speed home. Even though Douglas doesn't need him right now. "Hook line and sinker."

Jack's POV

Kim jabs her elbow in my arm. That actually hurts. She may look harmless, but Kim is like a flower. A flower with poison.

"What do you want to do?" I ask Kim still hurt.

"I was going to the dojo later. I need to practice landing some of my flips."

I smile, I get to help her. Well, I'm really the only one who can, besides Rudy. "Let me just get something really quick."

I run inside telling my mom where I was going. I get two water bottles, one for Kim and the other one for me. I have a feeling we need more...

I go back outside, Kim was looking around. Her hair shimmers in the sunlight. Straight like always... Jack what are you saying? She'll never like you, you are totally friendzoned.

I take the thought out of my head. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yup, like always."

I hand her the water bottle I got her. All Kim does is smile. Gosh I love that smile. Snap out of it Jack!

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