A Fake Start

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Cece's POV

I got bored spying, I know I'm horrible. Friends shouldn't spy on each other unless you are me, trying to bust Rocky and Logan. See I knew they were dating! Why Rocky, why? While walking back to the hotel some guy asked for directions, probably some tourist.

"Hey um... do you know where the closes park is?" Wow this guy is super cute, possibly cuter than Adam. This guy is also around my age.

"H-hey you are so cute." Oh my gosh what did I say! I hope he didn't hear me.

He looked up, "excuse me? I didn't hear you."

That was close. "Nothing and It's over there." I pointed west.

"Thanks, by the way I'm Marcus."

"I'm Cece, so see ya around." I waved to him, squealing. Gosh he is handsome. What am I doing I should invite him somewhere! "Wait, Marcus!" He was already walking that way, I caught up to him.

He turned around, "what?"

"I know we just met, but do you want to do something, hang out?"

Marcus scratched his head in thought, "well could we go out another day? I'm really busy today. I'll text you when I can."

Well, worth a shot. "Oh ok then." I smiled and walk back to the hotel. Hope this guy isn't like Adam.

Logan's POV

Rocky had a serious look on her. I see Kim run away from Rocky.

"Rocky what's wrong?"

She looked sorry for something. "Kim thinks... you are... Jack."

"So?... Oh..." She saw me kiss Rocky. What was the argument they had, what did they say, exactly? I give her a hug to comfort her. Why can't Kim think before she acts. "I think we should just go back to the hotel.

With a depressed tone she says, "Same here."


Rocky leaves and I walk back to my hotel room. Wow, Cece looks happy until she sees me. Her eyes narrowed with hate.

"What's wrong with you?" I ask curiously.

"Lets just say you and Rocky owe me a good clarification of things." She stopped for a moment and grinned.

"So do you, because I need to know why you are smiling like an idiot." She narrowed her eyes at me again. Maybe I will regret asking.

She started to talk, "Short or long version?"

"I don't give a crap," I answered, getting powerade.

"Fine, I'll do both mixed up. Anyway, Adam didn't show up for our date, then this cute guy came up to me to ask me for directions. So he and I are going to hang out some day this week." Cece giggled and I rolled my eyes.

"Three things, obviously Adam would leave you, you think every guy is cute, and do you even know his name. Hasn't mom taught you about strangers." I started laughing my head off, endless possibilities why Adam didn't go, sucker.

I set my powerade down, she gets it and throws it across the room. "First, just shut the- be quiet! Second, no I do not! Milton isn't cute neither is Chase or Jack. Jack looks like you, it is so disturbing. Third his name is Marcus and yes mom has told me about strangers."

When she said strangers, her finger was pointing up and down signaling that I was a stranger. "Excuse me? I am not a stranger!"

"Tell that to Rocky." She stormed off to her room. What- I was clearly defending myself. I get my powerade and hang out with Flynn for a while.

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