The 'New' Kid

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(A/N: Yay its my birthday. I'll try to update all my books today. For me school starts on Monday Sept 2, yup freshman. So updates are going to be slow, if not much slower. Also this a very important chapter so dont you dare skip! :) Enjoy)

Cece's POV

When I got to the hotel, I knocked on Rocky's door. Just a couple more days left. Rocky opened the door.

"Hey Rocky, you look nice today." I tried my best to pretend that I did not know her and Logan were on a date, today.

"Thanks..." She's on to me!

"So I have to tell you something great!" Must change the topic so she suspects nothing. Actually I need to tell her about what happened today.

She nodded, we sat on the couch. I started talking, " well Adam never showed up, but when I left this guy asked me for directions. He is super cute, not even! He is hot! Anyway I asked him if he wanted to hang out. He said he would call me!"

"Wow Cece, you are hitting on someone else already." Rocky didn't like what I said. I thought she was going to be happy.

"Why aren't you happy?"

"Cece, I've notice that it happens to you a lot. You go from one guy to the other. I don't feel comforable saying it, but you are a playette." She stood up walking around the small living room.

I can not believe she is telling me this. "A playette? What is that?"

Rocky stopped walking, "the girl version of a player. You are the exact definition of it!"

"Woah, woah, woah! Let's not get  crazy." We start arguing, pactically yelling.

Rocky backed up, "I'm not getting crazy! I am getting the facts on the table."

"Well since now we are saying the truth why don't you tell me about your relationship with Logan!?" I stood up making her back up more.

"I didn't tell you because I know you wouldn't react well." She placed a hand on her forehead.

I knew she was right. I do over react, "oh... I... I'm sorry then."

Am I just jealous of her that she can have a nice relationship with a guy? I say I'm sorry, but deep down I'm not. For some reason I feel that I have the right to say, what I just said.

"You know what Rocky forget this conversation. Let's go somewhere because I do not want to fight with you." I suggested to go to the mall, get some frozen yogurt. Rocky agreed, she got her phone and we walked to the mall.

The store wasn't far. Also it is one of  the outside stores. They had round picnic tables with a blue umbrella. Glad it is sunny. Once we get our food, we sit at a random table.

Rocky started picking at her frozen yogurt. "Remember how you told me, you met a guy. How is he?"

"I thought you'd never ask! He told me his name is Marcus. Marcus looks better than Adam, he's dreamy!" Right when I said that someone covered my eyes.

"Who's this?" I asked putting my hands over the ones covering my eyes.

"I don't know you tell me." I reconize that voice. Marcus...

"Marcus is it you?" I ask still holding his hands.

"Bingo." He lets go, Rocky stares at him. A smirk appears on his face. Once more Rocky starts picking at her yogurt. She does it everytime she is uncomfortable.

"What are you doing here?" I started eating, I haven't tasted it yet.

"I took a break from helping my father. And I decided to go here." He explained taking a seat next to me.

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