Bionic Fight Part 1

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1:00 pm

Cece's POV

I just remembered that I have a date with Adam! I have to get ready! The date is at five, that gives me four hours to get ready.

"Logan open up stop hogging the bathroom!" I banged my fist on the door hoping he'd open up.

"Me? Hog the bathroom I just got in here! You're gonna have to wait because I'm about to take a shower." He yelled so I could hear him well.

Ugh! He now decides to use it! I'll just have to wait. In the mean time, I'm going to choose some clothes. They have to be perfect.

I took out all of my clothes that I packed for the trip and sorted them out into two piles. This will go in the no pile and this in the probably pile. I kept repeating myself over and over. Most of my clothes were in the no pile. There are 3 dresses, 2 shirts, 4 skirts and 3 skinny jeans in the probably pile. To be casual I'll just wear some jeans and a shirt.

Is Logan out yet? I at least took an hour to sort this out.

I walked to the bathroom, Logan had just finished. Of course it’s humid in here. I shut the door and turned on the water. The water was warm at first, but then felt like ice.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I was screaming so loud, my mom ’ran’ to the bathroom.

"What’s wrong?" She said. I could barely hear her from the other side.

"Logan, used all the hot water!" I got out and wrapped myself in towel. My hair was also wrapped in a towel.

"Why did you need to shower anyway." I said as I came out the bathroom.

"First of all to be clean and second I have a date." Logan bragged in my face.

"Well I have a date too!" I said back.

"With who? Your imaginary boyfriend?" He teased.

"Stop describing yourself saying that it’s me."

"Fyi if you’re wondering who’s my date just go ask Rocky." He was already changed, getting his stake board, and bolted out the door.

Gosh I hate him so much! That means I have to wait 30mins til there's warm water.

2:00 pm

I only have 3 hours left.  This is not my day.

Kim's POV

I went to the dojo to train. Milton and Jack are here. Jack was training he looked a little tired. You can tell Milton was gloomy. The way he was sitting and how he spoke to Jack in a certain tone gave it away.

"How long have you guys been here?" I said when I started to use the punching dummy.

"Since the morning. I've been waiting here for Brody and Sloane. They've been gone for hours. Yes I know they're dating, but they would of came here by now don't you think?" Milton had just given me this long explanation. I only picked out key words.

"Well I'm guessing there is something going on. There should be a logical explanation for this. I stopped hitting the dummy and walked over to Milton, so did Jack.

"72 hours have to pass to declare them missing." Jack said. "So pretty much all we can do is hope they show up."

"Lets ask the others if they've seen any of them. That could help us." I said.

"I don't trust them." Milton was really worried.

"Who?" I asked while I went to get my water.

"Adam, Bree, Chase, and Leo. They have something up. Also don’t tell me that I do this to everyone. They have something weird going on and I’m going to find out what it is!"

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