Messages From A Soldier

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No ones POV

Both families were waiting for their food. Cece had gone to the restroom a minute ago to 'freshen up' and the rest were having a pretty decent conversation.

"Logan since you were with Jeremy all this time. Tell me how you've been." Mrs. Brewer asks.

"Well, I'm in a relationship and I love to skateboard." Logan awkwardly says. He really didn't know how to respond since people don't really care about him much.

"And who is this girl?" She asks.

"Rocky Blue. You don't know her though." Logan explains.

Mrs. Brewer smiles at Logan. The waitress arrives with the food both families had ordered. Everyone had serve themselves food, but there was one seat missing.

"Where's Cece?" Georgia asks.

"In the bathroom." Jeremy says.

Georgia has a worried look, "it's been ten minutes."

She gets out of her seat and heads to the bathroom.

"Georgia." Jeremy calls out. Once Cece's mom opens the door, she finds Cece laying unconscious on the floor. She screams, catching the attention from everyone.

Mrs. Brewer stands up and rushes by her side. She gasps at the sight. Cece had blood flowing from her jaw to neck and dripping on the floor.

"Who could of done this?" Georgia asks. She kneels down trying to carry Cece. "Deborah, I need some help."

Mrs. Brewer bends down helping Georgia carry Cece. Both women take Cece out of the bathroom, away from the crowd. The rest of the family get out of their chairs and head outside. However, right before leaving to the hospital, Mr. Brewer pays for the dinner and asks for it to be boxed. He knows they'll be hungry sooner or later.


Once they get at the hospital, a doctor attends Cece and the rest stay in the waiting room.

Logan and Jack walk to the cafeteria of the hospital to avoid any downfall news.

Logan looks at his brother as they walk down the hall to the elevator. "I wonder if she's okay."

"I hope so. Did you see how badly injured she was?" Jack responds. Jack and Logan get the elevator, Jack pushes the button and they both wait for the elevator to come.

"It may not seem like it, but I do care for her. She's younger than me and more vulnerable, as you can tell." Logan explains.

Both boys get into the elevator and Logan pushes the L button that leads them to the lobby.

"Those injuries aren't any kind of regular bruises." Jack says out loud.

"What are you concluding to?" Logan asks.

Jack shrugs, "the only thing I've got is someone has to be super strong. But who? The only strong people we know are Adam and Marcus. That's really strange don't you think?"

"Yeah.." Logan responds. He takes out a paper from his jacket, which to Jack is unusual.

"Why do you have that?" Jack asks.

Logan opens the note to read it. "I took it from Cece's purse."

Jack rolls his eyes, but also has a temptation to know what the note says.

The only thing you ask for is time. Oh Marcus. You have no idea what's coming. We're your biggest enemy yet. You don't know me, but you know Krane. He's the leader of something new. Something that puts you to shame.

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